Requests similar to 'Minutes of meetings'

Dear Mr Ellson, Thank you for your message. I think you may have consulted a web address that is not maintained by the Ministry of Justice. The page...
Contempt of Court submissions
Response by Criminal Procedure Rule Committee to E. Colville on .


Dear Mr Colville, Thank you for your message. I am the secretary to the Criminal Procedure Rule Committee. I attach a copy of the Committee paper whi...
Dear [Name Removed],   Please see a response to your Freedom of Information Act request.   Regards, Siân Jones LL.B Head of Legal and Profe...
Police Funding of Key Forensic Services during 2018
Response by National Police Chiefs' Council to Jim Clay on .

Awaiting classification

Apologies, resent with attachment.   Sherry Traquair NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker National Police FOI & DP Central Refe...
Dear Conservative Association Organising Secretary, Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2010090004446 I write in connection with your requ...
    Sherry Traquair NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker   National Police Freedom of Information & Data Protection Unit (NPF...
Dear Ms Morrison, Thank you for your message. I am the secretary to the Criminal Procedure Rule Committee. I apologise for my oversight: I had overloo...
Dear Mr Martin, Thank you for your message. The Criminal Procedure Rule Committee is constituted under section 70 of the Courts Act 2003 for the purp...
Chief Constables’ Council meetings (2021)
Response by National Police Chiefs' Council to Joseph Lloyd on .

Partially successful

Good morning   Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request. With kindest regards.   Sherry   Sherry Traquai...
List of Business Areas & Committee meetings
Response by College of Policing Limited to Lisa McCarthy on .

Partially successful

Email 3/3. Thank you very much, Kate. OFFICIAL Professional Committee 03 September 2019 Broadway House Conference Centre – Council Chamber room Tot...
Chief Constables Council meeting papers for 2020
Response by National Police Chiefs' Council to dennis daley on .

Partially successful

    Sherry Traquair NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit (NPFDU)   National...
Hello   Please find attached documents responding to your FOI request.   Kind Regards,       [1]Ministry of Sonya Kelly Justice Vulne...
Guidance to court staff
Response by HM Courts and Tribunals Service to Steve Elibank on .

Partially successful

Please see the attached correspondence. Kind regards, Alex Alex Lark  Knowledge & Information Liaison Officer│ HM Courts & Tribunals Service │...
Magistrates' Courts Manual
Response by HM Courts and Tribunals Service to Steve Elibank on .


Link: [1]File-List   Dear Mr Elibank,   Please find attached our reply to your request for a copy of the Magistrates’ Court Manual, together w...
Magistrates court manual.
Response by HM Courts and Tribunals Service to MSwan on .


Link: [1]File-List   Dear Mr Swan,   Please find attached our reply to your request for a copy of the Magistrates’ Court Manual, together with...
Good afternoon Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request. With kindest regards. Sherry Sherry Traquair NPCC F...
Crown Court Clerk training
Response by HM Courts and Tribunals Service to John Harris on .


Dear John Harris   Please see the attached documents.   Thanks, P     Pauline Edwards Executive Assistant to Louise Alexander, HMCTS HR...
Please find attached a response to your recent FOI request   Regards   CTDD       +---------------------------------------------------...
Ward Budget
Response by Croydon Borough Council to Jeff Kitley on .

Awaiting internal review

Information Team Croydon Digital Services Assistant Chief Executive Directorate Bernard Wetherill House 7th Floor, Zone B Croydon CR0 1EA Conta...
Dear Mr Ford   Please find attached a letter with regards to Unpresented Defendants for your information.   Many Thanks   Disclosure Team...
Property holdings in Pension Fund
Response by Croydon Borough Council to Samuel Hall on .


Dear Mr Hall   Freedom of Information Request Please see attached the council's response to your Freedom of Information request. Yours sincere...
In early 2019, a court clerk at Westminster Magistrates Court deliberately lied to me about the law and procedures applicable to the release of informa...
Dear J Roberts,   Please find attached response to your request for information, with our sincere apologies for the delay and any inconvenience ca...
Stonewall, Mermaids, TIE Materials
Response by Scottish Borders Council to Mr MacLean on .


Dear Mr MacLean Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 relating to the above I am now able to...
Dear Mr Wilding, I am sorry that there have been problems with the attachment. I have reduced the size and attached it again. For some reason, I c...