Minutes of Liaison Group meeting at your Headquarters 25 september 2014
Dear Avon and Somerset Constabulary,
The Liaison Group in respect of the Force calling those in receipt of Injury on Duty Pensions to have their Awards Reviewed took place at your Headquarters on Thursday, 25th September, 2014.
Please provide me with a full copy of the minutes for this meeting and a list of attendees, thank you.
Yours faithfully,
A C Grabham
Corporate Information Management Department
Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,
Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ
Facsimile 01275 814667
Private Our Reference 1065 /14
A C Grabham
Your reference
[1][FOI #231685 email]
Date 30^th
Dear Mr. Grabham,
I write in connection with your request for information dated 26^th
September 2014 concerning minutes of Liaison Group meeting This request
will be dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Your request will now be considered and you will receive a response within
the statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act. In some
circumstances Avon and Somerset Constabulary may be unable to achieve this
deadline if consideration needs to be given to the public interest test.
If this is likely you will be informed and given a revised time-scale at
the earliest opportunity.
Yours sincerely,
C Quartey
Freedom of Information Officer
Corporate Information Management Department
Please note;
1. Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website (within 24 hours), some of which may contain a link
to additional information, which may provide you with further
2. Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.
3. Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure.
Corporate Information Management Department
Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,
Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ
Facsimile 01275 814667
Email foirequests@avonandsomerset.police.uk
Private Our Reference 1065/14
A C Grabham Your reference
[FOI #231685 email] Date 16 October 2014
Dear A C Grabham
I write in connection with your request for information dated 26^th
September concerning meeting minutes.
Specifically you asked: “The Liaison Group in respect of the Force calling
those in receipt of Injury on Duty Pensions to have their Awards Reviewed
took place at your Headquarters on Thursday, 25th September, 2014. Please
provide me with a full copy of the minutes for this meeting and a list of
attendees, thank you.”
At the time of your request no information is held.
Yours sincerely
C Quartey
Freedom of Information Officer
Corporate Information Management Department
Please note:
1. Requests and responses may be published on Avon and Somerset
Constabulary’s website (within 24 hours), some of which may contain a link
to additional information, which may provide you with further
2. Whilst we may verbally discuss your request with you in order to
seek clarification, all other communication should be made in writing.
3. Avon and Somerset Constabulary provides you with the right to
request a re-examination of your case under its review procedure (copy
Dear Avon and Somerset Constabulary,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Avon and Somerset Constabulary's handling of my FOI request 'Minutes of Liaison Group meeting at your Headquarters 25 september 2014'.
[ I find it difficult to believe that you have no written records/minutes of this meeting or a list of those attending. I know that David Leach of NARPO and Richard Wand of the Police Federation attended as observers. The PCC has written regarding this matter and alleged that the cost of IOD pensioners is in excess of £5m and yet a steering meeting that oversees this important matter has no written record of it's deliberations? That is either, incompetence, maladministration or a conspiracy to hide contentious material. Either way this is detrimental to the Constabulary. ]
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/m...
Yours faithfully,
A C Grabham
Corporate Information Management Department
Force Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road,
Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8QJ
Facsimile 01275 814667
Private Our Reference 1065/14
A C Grabham Your reference
[1][FOI #231685 email] Date 5^th November
Dear Mr Grabham
I write in receipt of your email dated 3^rd November 2014 requesting an
internal review regarding the response to your Freedom of Information
This request has been forwarded to our internal review panel who will
respond to you in due course.
Yours sincerely,
C Quartey
Freedom of Information Officer
Corporate Information Management Department
Dear Mr Grabham
Please find attached a response to your request for an internal review
Jeff Hines
Information Access Manager
Ext 66305
<<Letter Mr Grabham.doc>>
Dear Jeff Hines,
Thank you for your response to this request.
I take some exception to the result for the following reasons.
I made the request on 26 September 2014 the day after the meeting it is true, my request was acknowledged on the 30 September 2014.
On 16 October i.e. 12 working days later it was stated that the information was not held “ at the time of my request”.
I presume from your letter that the information did not come to light in those 12 working days and when I submit a further request that the minutes when finally disclosed will be dated after 16 October which tends to support my comments of the 3 November when I asked for an internal review.
To try to use the date of the request as a cut off point is clearly quite ridiculous otherwise why would the Act give the organisation 20 working days to find the material, if these minutes are dated within the period 30 September to 16 October I will be making a complaint to the Information Commissioners Office.
This request discloses that your authority is not performing at a very high level of efficiency as either the minutes were written at the time of or immediately after the meeting as should happen but somehow not circulated or they were cobbled together over a period of time which raises serious questions about their veracity.
Neither of these situations shows the Constabulary in a good light and is exceptionally detrimental to it’s image about which you all care so much.
As a sign that the authority are truly in tune with the philosophy of transparency perhaps you could use your influence to ensure that my subsequent request does not get delayed unduly.
Yours sincerely,
A C Grabham
Dear Avon and Somerset Constabulary,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Avon and Somerset Constabulary's handling of my FOI request 'Minutes of Liaison Group meeting at your Headquarters 25 september 2014'.
[ Informations Access Manager
Dear Jeff Hines,
Thank you for your response to this request.
I take some exception to the result for the following reasons.
I made the request on 26 September 2014 the day after the meeting
it is true, my request was acknowledged on the 30 September 2014.
On 16 October i.e. 12 working days later it was stated that the
information was not held “ at the time of my request”.
I presume from your letter that the information did not come to
light in those 12 working days and when I submit a further request
that the minutes when finally disclosed will be dated after 16
October which tends to support my comments of the 3 November when I
asked for an internal review.
To try to use the date of the request as a cut off point is clearly
quite ridiculous otherwise why would the Act give the organisation
20 working days to find the material, if these minutes are dated
within the period 30 September to 16 October I will be making a
complaint to the Information Commissioners Office.
This request discloses that your authority is not performing at a
very high level of efficiency as either the minutes were written at
the time of or immediately after the meeting as should happen but
somehow not circulated or they were cobbled together over a period
of time which raises serious questions about their veracity.
Neither of these situations shows the Constabulary in a good light
and is exceptionally detrimental to it’s image about which you all
care so much.
As a sign that the authority are truly in tune with the philosophy
of transparency perhaps you could use your influence to ensure that
my subsequent request does not get delayed unduly.
Yours sincerely,
A C Grabham ]
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/m...
Yours faithfully,
A C Grabham
Mr Grabham
We have already reviewed your request for an appeal. As per that response if you consider the Constabulary failed to meet our obligations under the act you have the right to raise the matter with the Information Commissioner, details of which you have already been provided.
FOI Officer
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