Minutes of Board Meetings

The request was successful.

Dear Sir/Madam

For the period since March 2019, could you please provide relevant extracts from the Minutes of Highways England/National Highways Board meetings - together with associated papers/reports etc - covering discussions about the Historical Railways Estate.

Yours faithfully

Graeme Bickerdike



Dear Graeme Bickerdike

Thank you for your request relating to Minutes of Board Meetings dated

The due date for issuing a response is 17/01/2022.

Please feel free to contact our team if you have any queries quoting
FOI/2957 in any future communications

Kind regards


Andrea Bartlett


You can make new FOI requests and review published responses by
visiting [1]https://foiform.highwaysengland.co.uk/


Visible links
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3 Attachments


Dear Graeme Bickerdike

Minutes of Board Meetings

Thank you for your information request dated 15/12/2021 regarding Minutes
of Board Meetings. We have dealt with your request under the provisions of
the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


You asked -


Dear Sir/Madam

For the period since March 2019, could you please provide relevant
extracts from the Minutes of Highways England/National Highways Board
meetings - together with associated papers/reports etc - covering
discussions about the Historical Railways Estate.

Yours faithfully

Graeme Bickerdike


We can confirm that we hold the information you have requested.


Information provided

Please see the three attached documents which contain the information

All board packs and minutes were checked for the period from March 2019 to
December 2021. No individual papers on HRE were tabled at any of the
meetings held during that period, however HRE did feature in some papers
throughout that period, as outlined in each document.

Please note that the redactions you see within the documents are for
information that was not about the HRE and therefore not in scope of the

Please also note that when reviewing the information for this request we
found an error with regards to the figure quoted to manage the HRE in the
‘Extract from the CFO Report: 31 October 2020’ from document “FY 2020-21”.
The figure provided here is incorrect and should instead be £13 million
rather than the £24 million that has been documented here


If you are not satisfied with your response you may ask for an internal
review within 40 working days of receiving the response, by replying to
this email. You can learn more about the internal review process [1]here.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
[2][email address]

            Information Commissioner’s Office

            Wycliffe House

            Water Lane



            SK9 5AF

Please remember to quote reference number FOI/2957 in any future
communications about this response.

Kind regards


FOI Advice


You can make new FOI requests and review published responses by
visiting [3]https://foiform.highwaysengland.co.uk/


Visible links
1. https://highwaysengland.co.uk/media/a14h...
2. mailto:[email address]
3. https://foiform.highwaysengland.co.uk/