Minimum raw marks required for full UMS - Biology June 2014
Dear Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations, I would like to know what is the minimum raw mark required to get full UMS in the June 2014 series for Biology (F211, F212, F214 and F215)
Yours faithfully,
S.S Vin
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Date/Time Sent: 2015/06/09 12:26
Sender: [FOI #272623 email]
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Minimum raw marks required for full UMS - Biology June 2014
Message: Dear Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations, I would like to know what is the minimum raw mark required to get full UMS in the June 2014 series for Biology (F211, F212, F214 and F215)
Yours faithfully,
S.S Vin
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Good Afternoon,
Thank you for your email.
I am unsure whether I entirely understand your query. To attain full a UMS
of 90 in F211 for example, you would require the full RAW mark of 60. This
rule will apply to all GCE units, Biology or otherwise. Please find
attached a copy of our UMS and RAW mark grade boundaries from June 2014
for you information.
Kind regards,
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John Plant left an annotation ()
This is completely untrue and OCR should be made aware that their customer service is giving out this incorrect information.
The correct way of finding out the raw mark required for full UMS is to calculate (Mark required for grade A) - (Mark required for grade B), multiply by 2 and add this value to the grade A boundary. If, and only if, this calculated mark is higher than the maximum mark will the maximum mark be required to obtain 100% UMS.