We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Shauna please sign in and let everyone know.

Military cost

We're waiting for Shauna to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Department of Health (Northern Ireland),

Under FOI law, can you tell me please, how much military help in Northern Ireland during the pandemic will cost DoH.

Can you also tell me how much DoH has been billed by the MoD so far for this support?

Can you also provide a copy of this bill please.

Yours faithfully,

Shauna Corr

DoH FOI, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)

2 Attachments


We have received your Freedom of Information request and I attach your acknowledgement letter and a Public Information Leaflet.

John McCann
Information Management Branch
Department of Health
Tel: 02890 528218

show quoted sections

Dale, Christine, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)

3 Attachments

Dear Ms Corr

Please find attached response to your FOI request

Kind Regards




[1]4 simple steps thin banner


Christine Dale – Health Development Policy Branch – Department of Health

Room C4.22, Castle Buildings, Stormont, BT4 3SQ – 028 9052 8653 –
[2][email address]






Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
3. https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/sites/defau...

Dear Christine,

Thank you for this.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Christine,

Can you clarify one thing for me -

122 staff to support Health and Social
January –
care (includes allowances,
February 2021
accommodation, transport, catering,
miscellaneous costs)

How many days is this 255,884 cost for?

Yours sincerely,


Dale, Christine, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)

I will need to seek this information out from the Unit who answered this query, I am purely the coordinator for responses
Kind Regards

show quoted sections

Dale, Christine, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)

Dear Shauna

I have been advised the following:-

CMTs provided assistance 25 January - 28 February. For info, the total claim is now likely to be less than originally estimated, the final total is expected to be around £200k.

I hope this is helpful

Kind Regards

Dear Christine,

Can you clarify one thing for me -

122 staff to support Health and Social

January –


care (includes allowances,

February 2021

accommodation, transport, catering,

miscellaneous costs)

How many days is this 255,884 cost for?

Yours sincerely,


show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Shauna please sign in and let everyone know.