Migrant hotel London

The request was refused by Home Office.

Dear Home Office,

please provide the contract for housing migrants/asylum seekers at the APEX CITY OF LONDON HOTEL 1 Seething Lane, London EC4. The migrants seem to have left in around Feb. 2022.

As regards this hotel, please provide the scheme that was in place for providing black London taxis for migrant appointments.

Provide a schedule of taxi use since scheme was in place. This should include the total number of fares and total cost.

The hotel featured in this news report


Yours faithfully,

Edward Williams

FOI Requests, Home Office

Thank you for contacting the Home Office  Freedom of Information Requests

This is to acknowledge  receipt of your email.

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FOI Requests, Home Office

Dear Edward Williams,

Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request.

This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref 73998). We will aim to send you a full response by 13/02/2023 which is twenty working days from the date we received your request.

Kind Regards,

M Ennis
Home Office

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FOI Responses, Home Office

3 Attachments


[1]Logo for letterhead.png  



Dear Mr. Williams,


FOI 73998


Please find attached a letter in response to your FOI request of 16
January 2023.


Yours sincerely



Central Operations


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Visible links

Dear Home Office,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Home Office's handling of my FOI request 'Migrant hotel London'.

This was a new request. You have conflated it with the previous request. The migrants have left the Apex hotel.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/m...

Yours faithfully,

Edward Williams

FOI Requests, Home Office

Thank you for contacting the Home Office  Freedom of Information Requests

This is to acknowledge  receipt of your email.

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FOI Requests, Home Office

Dear Edward Williams,

Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request for an internal review.

This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref 73998). We will aim to send you a full response by 13/03/2023 which is twenty working days from the date we received your request.

Kind Regards,

M Ennis
Home Office

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FOI Responses, Home Office

1 Attachment


Dear Mr Williams,


Please see the attached in relation to your request for an internal review
in response to your Freedom of Information request.



Mr S Burgues

Information Rights Advisor

Information Rights Team


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