MFD & Print

The request was successful.

Dear Barts Health NHS Trust,

Please provide information on the following;
1. Number of Printers within the Trust?
2. Did you lease/rent or purchase the printers?
3. If leased/rented what is the annual lease/rent charge?
4. Who are the main printer supplier(s)?
5. Does the Trust have a support contract(s) for Printers?
6. What is the length of the printer support contract?
7. What are the start and end dates for the print support
8. What is the approximate spend on printers and consumables
during the last financial year?
9. What is the total mono print volume per annum?
10. What is the total colour print volume per annum?
11. What is the number of MFD’s or Photocopiers within the
12. Who are the main MFD/Copier Suppliers(s)
13. What is the length of the MFD/copy contract(s)?
14. What are the start and end dates on the MFD/copy contracts(s)?
15. Approximate spend on MFD’s/copiers and consumables during the last
financial year?
16. If leased/rented what is the annual lease/rent charge?
17. What is the total mono MFD/copy volume per annum?
18. What is the total colour MFD/copy volume per annum?
19. Does the Trust have a managed print contract?
20. What are the start and end dates for this contract?
21. Which procurement route or framework was used to procure this
22. Does the Trust have one or more onsite print rooms?
23. If the Trust has an onsite print room is this managed in
house or outsourced?
24. How many staff work in the print room (s)?
25. Who are the main MFD/Photocopier Suppliers(s) for the
Print room devices?
26. What is the length of the MFD/Photocopier contract(s) for the
Print room?
27. What are the start and end dates on the MFD/Photocopier
contracts(s) for the Print room?
28. If leased/rented what is the annual lease/rent charge?
29. Which procurement route or framework was used to procure this
30. What is the approximate spend on MFD’s/Photocopiers and
consumables for the last financial year for the print room?
31. What is the total mono MFD/copy volume per annum?
32. What is the total colour MFD/copy volume per annum?

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Smith

Dear Mr Smith,

Your Request for Information: FOI-0175-19

Thank you for your recent request for information.  This will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and you will receive a response within the stipulated timescale.

The FOI Act defines a number of exemptions which may prevent the release of the information you have requested. We will assess the material and if any of the exemption categories apply, then the information may not be released. We will tell you if that is so. If the information you request refers to a third party then they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken on whether or not to release the information to you. We will let you know if that is the case and give you an indication of the timescale for providing the information. There may be a fee payable for the information you have requested. The fee must be paid before the information is released. We will inform you if this is the case.

Information that we may provide in response to the Freedom of Information Act request will be subject to copyright protection. You may ask if you can re-use the information, perhaps for commercial purposes. Without the necessary permission you can breach our copyright. To enquire about re-using Trust information, please write to us at the above address or e-mail [Barts Health NHS Trust request email].

If you have any queries then please contact us at [Barts Health NHS Trust request email].

If you are dissatisfied on how your request has been handled, you can complain in writing to The Information Governance Manager, Barts Health NHS Trust:  E-mail [Barts Health NHS Trust request email].

Postal address:
The Information Governance Manager,
c/o Archives and Records Centre,
Barts Health NHS Trust,
Lower Ground Floor,
9 Prescot Street,
Aldgate, London E1 8PR
If, after  we have addressed your  complaint, you remain dissatisfied with how we have responded, you are entitled to appeal to the Information Commissioner (Tel: 01625 545 745). Details are shown at
Yours faithfully,

Maria Björklund
FOI Co-ordinator
Barts Health NHS Trust
9 Prescot Street
E1 8PR

T: 020 7480 4866
[Barts Health NHS Trust request email]

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1 Attachment

Dear Mr Smith

Please find attached the Trust's response to your request.

Yours sincerely

Maria Björklund
FOI Co-ordinator
Barts Health NHS Trust
9 Prescot Street
E1 8PR

T: 020 7480 4866
[Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
Please note our new Records Management email address – [email address]

See our Records Management pages on the intranet here.

show quoted sections

Dear FOI,

You say that if the request was reduced in size then you would re-submit, please can you provide the following;
1. Number of Printers within the Trust?
2. Who are the main printer supplier(s)?
3. What are the start and end dates for the print support contract(s)?
4. What is the number of MFD’s or Photocopiers within the Trust?
5. Who are the main MFD/Copier Suppliers(s)
6. What are the start and end dates on the MFD/copy contracts(s)?
7. What is the total mono MFD/copy volume per annum?
8. What is the total colour MFD/copy volume per annum?
9. Which procurement route or framework was used to procure this service?

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Smith

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Smith

Please find attached the Trust response to your request.

Yours sincerely

Maria Björklund
FOI Co-ordinator
Barts Health NHS Trust
9 Prescot Street
E1 8PR

T: 020 7480 4866
[Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
Please note our new Records Management email address – [email address]

See our Records Management pages on the intranet here.

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