Mercedes-Benz Fleet
Dear South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service,
I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
1. Full list (including models) of Mercedes-Benz all-terrain vehicles and trucks you have purchased, hired or leased (including Unimogs).
2. (if leased/hired) Lease/hire start date & end date.
3. Name of service provider for any Mercadez-Benz Vehicles you have purchased, hired or leased.
4. (If owned) year purchased and when are you looking to renew your fleet of Mercedez-Benz models?
5. Contact details for the person(s) responsible for managing the fleet of Mercedez Benz all terrain and truck vehicles, including name, job title, contact number and email address.
Yours faithfully,
John Allen
Thank you for contacting South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue. This mailbox is
monitored during office hours Monday to Friday and we will endeavour to
contact you as soon as possible. If you are reporting an emergency please
call 999.
Customer Care Team
South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
IMPORTANT NOTICE The contents of this e-mail represent only the views of
the sender to the intended recipient and do not commit South Yorkshire
Fire and Rescue to any course of action and are not intended to impose any
legal obligation upon it. If you have received this communication in error
please contact us directly and delete it immediately and any copies of it.
SYFR has taken steps to ensure that this message and any attachments or
links contained within it are free from computer viruses but the recipient
must ensure that it is actually virus free before opening it.
Dear John,
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2244
Thank you for your email received on 12 March 2024 where you requested
some information relating to Mercedes-Benz Fleet owned or leased by South
Yorkshire Fire and Rescue (SYFR).
Your request is being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and will be answered within 20 working days i.e. no
later than 11 April 2024.
If you have any queries about your request do not hesitate to contact us.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
Yours sincerely,
[1]cid:image010.png@01D3B7BC.8D90D450 Freedom of Information
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue
Tel: 0114 2532209
Email: [2][email address]
Dear John
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: FOIA 2244
Thank you for your email dated 12 March 2024 requesting information about
South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue (SYFR) fleet vehicles. The information
you requested followed by our response is provided below.
I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information
under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
1. Full list (including models) of Mercedes-Benz all-terrain
vehicles and trucks you have purchased, hired or leased (including
2. (if leased/hired) Lease/hire start date & end date.
3. Name of service provider for any Mercadez-Benz Vehicles you
have purchased, hired or leased.
4. (If owned) year purchased and when are you looking to renew
your fleet of Mercedez-Benz models?
I can confirm SYFR holds this information. Please find below a list of
Mercedes-Benz vehicles which we have interpreted from your request as
‘truck’ vehicles and are part of our current fleet list.
│Q1 │Q1 Vehicle │Q2 Lease │Q2 Lease │Q3 │Q4 │Q4 Renew │
│Model│Class │start date│end date │Service │Purchase │date │
│ │ │ │ │Provider │date │ │
│ │Driver │ │ │Northside│ │No planned │
│Axor │Training │ │ │Trucks │15/03/2006│replacement│
│ │Unit │ │ │ │ │ │
│Atego│Water │15/01/2003│31/01/2025│Chrystal │Not │31/01/2025 │
│ │Carrier │ │ │Leasing │applicable│ │
│Not │Operational│ │ │Northside│ │No planned │
│known│Support │ │ │Trucks │29/06/1994│replacement│
│ │Unit │ │ │ │ │ │
│Not │Operational│ │ │Northside│ │No planned │
│known│Support │ │ │Trucks │29/06/1994│replacement│
│ │Unit │ │ │ │ │ │
5. Contact details for the person(s) responsible for managing
the fleet of Mercedez Benz all terrain and truck vehicles, including name,
job title, contact number and email address.
The person responsible for managing the Service fleet is Sarah Gilding,
Head of Joint Vehicle Fleet Management, [1][email address].
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be
submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your
original letter and should be addressed to:
SYFRA Monitoring Officer
Core Services Directorate
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Westgate Plaza One, Westgate, Barnsley S70 2DR
Or by email: [2][email address]
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
5AF and at [3]
Yours sincerely
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