Mercedes-Benz Fleet

John Allen made this Freedom of Information request to Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service,

I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:

1. Full list (including models) of Mercedes-Benz all-terrain vehicles and trucks you have purchased, hired or leased (including Unimogs).
2. (if leased/hired) Lease/hire start date & end date.
3. Name of service provider for any Mercadez-Benz Vehicles you have purchased, hired or leased.
4. (If owned) year purchased and when are you looking to renew your fleet of Mercedez-Benz models?
5. Contact details for the person(s) responsible for managing the fleet of Mercedez Benz all terrain and truck vehicles, including name, job title, contact number and email address.

Yours faithfully,

John Allen

Alison Matthews, Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service

1 Attachment

 Dear John


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please refer below for
the information requested.


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This must be done within 40 working days of receiving this response. You
can do this by writing to the Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Shropshire
Fire and Rescue Service, St. Michael’s Street, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1
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Kind Regards





From: John Allen <[4][FOI #1102276 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 11:43 AM
To: Emily Bray <[5][email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Mercedes-Benz Fleet


Dear Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service,

I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information
under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:

1. Full list (including models) of Mercedes-Benz all-terrain vehicles and
trucks you have purchased, hired or leased (including Unimogs).

Both vehicles purchased brand new.

DX59LGK – Mercedes Sprinter 316CDI.

SF69WZY – Mercedes Sprinter.

2. (if leased/hired) Lease/hire start date & end date.  - n/a
3. Name of service provider for any Mercadez-Benz Vehicles you have
purchased, hired or leased.- Emergency One
4. (If owned) year purchased and when are you looking to renew your fleet
of Mercedez-Benz models?

DX59LGK  -Date registered 20/01/2010 . Forecast replacement 20/01/2025

SF69WZY - Date registered 12/12/2019 . Forecast replacement 12/12/2034

5. Contact details for the person(s) responsible for managing the fleet of
Mercedez Benz all terrain and truck vehicles, including name, job title,
contact number and email address.
Martin Barclay MSOE MIRTE – Vehicle Contracts Manager

01743 260247

[6][email address]

Yours faithfully,

John Allen


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