Mental Health & Wellbeing Digital App FOI

The request was successful.

Dear North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust,

I am making a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Please answer the following questions regarding your organisations use of mobile applications to support employee mental/emotional health and wellbeing.

1. Does your organisation offer any digital apps as a resource for staff to support their mental/emotional health and wellbeing? (e.g. Big White Wall, My Possible Self, Thrive)
Apps may provide advice and guidance to support wellbeing, diary entries or an interactive self-help programme etc. to support the reduction of stress, anxiety and/or depression

2. If yes to Q1 please provide the following information for each app used by the organisation
a. Name of third-party supplier(s)
b. Who is responsible for the payment of the app (i.e. employee or employer)
c. What is the annual price paid for the app in 17/18?
d. Contract start date & end date
e. What date did the app go live in the organisation?
f. Did the organisation use a framework to procure the service? If so, please state the framework used
g. Please list all external systems the app integrates with (e.g. EAP providers, GP referrals)
h. Does the app include any form of financial wellbeing support? (e.g. advice and/or helplines)
i. Through the utilisation of the app, has your organisation seen any quantifiable benefits? Please provide detail on the benefits achieved (e.g. an increase in employee productivity, increase in staff retention, reduction in staff sickness absence or a reduction in occupational health referrals)

3. For each supplier listed in Q2, please indicate the number of employees registered on the app, split by the following staffing groups:

Name of Supplier:
Nursing & HCA’s:
Allied Health Professional/ Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical (AHP/STT):
Non-medical Non-clinical (NMNC):

Thank you in advance for your time.

Yours faithfully,
Charlotte Hart

Audrey Turnbull, North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

1 Attachment

I attach our acknowledgement of your FOI request.



Audrey Turnbull
Governor Support Officer | Chief Executive’s Directorate


Direct Line: 0191 430 2036  
North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Bernicia House | Goldcrest Way | Newburn Riverside Business Park
Newcastle Upon Tyne | NE15 8NY | 0191 430 2000
Unmatched quality of care every time we touch lives

CQC rated good
[1] | [2]Twitter: @NEAmbulance | [3]Facebook:




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Karen Greenacre, North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

1 Attachment

Please find attached response letter to your Freedom of Information




Karen Greenacre
Governor Support Officer | Chief Executive’s Directorate


Direct Line: 0191 430 2036  
North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Bernicia House | Goldcrest Way | Newburn Riverside Business Park
Newcastle Upon Tyne | NE15 8NY | 0191 430 2000
Unmatched quality of care every time we touch lives

CQC rated good
[1] | [2]Twitter: @NEAmbulance | [3]Facebook:




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