Requests similar to 'Mental Health First Aiders'

RFI/59479 Dear Samuel I write further to your Freedom of Information request. Please see our responses as follows set out against your original quest...
Dear Ryan With regard to your request for information, please see the attached response letter. Regards Information governance team Belinda Bruty|...
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Stephen Smith on .

Partially successful

Our ref: FOI2018/01820 Dear Stephen Smith, Freedom of Information Act 2000 Acknowledgement Thank you for your communication of 14th August which...
Dear Ms Talbot,   Please see part 1 of your response.   Regards,   Access to Information Administrator Information Governance Team Reso...
Dear Laura, The University of Winchester's response is below and attached. 1. The University of Winchester does not hold a long-term investment portf...
    Sherry Traquair NPCC Freedom of Information Officer & Decision Maker   National Police Freedom of Information & Data Protection Unit (NPF...
Guidance to New Cllrs
Response by East Riding of Yorkshire Council to Maddie Cross on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Cross Further to your request for access to information, please see the attached response. Kind regards Sarah Robinson  ​Information Gover...
Mental Health and LGBTQ Policies and Complaint Data
Response by HM Revenue and Customs to Thomas Martin on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Thomas Martin, We are writing in response to your request for information, received 21 May. Yours sincerely, HMRC Freedom of Information Te...
Our ref: FOI2018/01672 Dear Stephen Smith, Freedom of Information Act 2000 Acknowledgement Thank you for your communication of 1st August which h...
Dear Mr Howarth, We are writing in response to your request for information, received 22 December. Yours sincerely, HMRC Freedom of Information...
Tier 2 weight management services
Response by Essex County Council to Danielle Curzon on .

Partially successful

Good afternoon, Please find attached our response to your request for information. I trust that this information satisfies your request. However, s...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Department for Transport to Brian Farnet on .


Dear Mr Farnet Please find attached my response to your FoI request, with supporting documents. Yours sincerely Lara Lara Bolch Information Rights...
Recruitment Services Winning Tender
Response by Scottish Water to Joshua Nixon on .


Dear Mr Nixon,   Thank you for your request for information which we processed under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).  ...
Dear Katie Savage, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 7 January. Your response is attached Yours sincerely, DW...
Information about Stonewall Workplace Equality Index (WEI).
Response by University of Oxford to Jennifer Smith on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Jennifer, With sincere apologies for the delay, please find attached further copy of our response to your request. All appear to be accessible on...
Legal cases information
Response by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board to E G Douglass on .


Good Afternoon,   I am writing further to your e-mail below requesting information from Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (the UHB) under t...
London Borough of Culture
Response by Greater London Authority to Ms M Jennings on .


Dear Ms Jennings Please find attached response in relation to your request for an internal review.  Yours sincerely Information Governance Offic...
Policy on transgender and non-binary staff
Response by Cabinet Office to Maya Forstater on .


Dear Maya Forstater, Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information request (reference FOI2021/22179). Yours sincerely,...
Council's Response to Covid Pandemic and Furlough
Response by Oxford City Council to James Telford on .

Awaiting classification

Dear James Telford Oxford City Council Freedom of Information – Reference: 11635 Information Commissioner's Office Reference - IC-226240-L2S7 Please...
Good Afternoon Mr Gallagher Please find attached the NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group's response to your freedom of information request. Ki...
FOI 2021/F71   Dear U. Winfield,   Thank you for your email.   I am pleased to provide the following responses. Please accept our apologie...
Dear Les Beaumont Plesae find attached response in relation to your request for information.  Yours sincerely Information Governance Officer ...
Board papers / complaint data
Response by National Savings and Investments to Ms Russell on .

Awaiting classification

NOT CLASSIFIED Our Ref: FOI 2024.04.06   26 April 2024   Dear Ms Russell   Please find attached board minutes for 2023.   Kind regard...
Correspondance on Southend Airshow
Response by Maritime and Coastguard Agency to Dan Rodgers on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Rodgers,                 Please find the third ZIP file attached, as described in email Part 1.   Should you not receive any one of thes...
Dear John Slater, Please find attached the Green Paper and Response paper mentioned in the response to your request for information, received 4th Ma...