Mental Health
Dear Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland,
How many mental health beds are there in Northern Ireland?
How many are in mental health wards and how many are in learning disability wards?
How many are currently free?
Is there a male/ female ratio regards the beds and how many are there for children.
Can you also tell me please how many of these beds are in Belfast and how many are in Derry?
I would also like a copy of the criteria that must be met for a person to be sectioned under a Mental Health Order.
Yours faithfully,
Shauna Corr
“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”
“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”
Dear Ms Corr,
To meet the timescales identified in the FOI Act 2000 a response to your
FOI request to the Health and Social Care Board seeking details of Mental
Health beds in Northern Ireland was due today.
Unfortunately because of unforeseen staff leave I have been unable to
secure responses from the relevant staff within the organisation and I
would therefore be grateful if you could consider granting an extension of
the timescales on this occasion. If you are agreeable I will provide a
response to you week commencing 16^th July 2018.
Please accept my sincere apologies on behalf of the Health and Social Care
board for this delay.
Yours sincerely
Ken Moore
Ken Moore | Information Governance Manager | Corporate Services | Health
and Social Care Board | Towerhill | Armagh | BT61 9DR | Northern Ireland |
Tel: D: 442895362912 | M: 07500667023
“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”
Dear Ms Corr
Please find attached a response to your FOI request to the Health and
Social Care Board. Can I also apologise for the delay in responding and
thank you again for your patience.
Yours sincerely
Claire Donnelly
Claire Donnelly
Asst Information Governance Manager – Records Management | HSCB | Tower
Hill | Armagh | BT61 9DR
028 9536 2783 | [2][email address]
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