Meetings and communications

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Cabinet Office should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Cabinet Office,

Please can I see 1) any communications and also 2) a list details of any meetings of the Behavioural Insights Team with representatives of the Behavioural Dynamics Institute (BDi) or Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) or Cambridge Analytica including time, subject of discussion and any individuals who were press - from 2010 to 2018 inclusive please . Thank you so much.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Emma L Briant

FOI Team Mailbox, Cabinet Office

1 Attachment

FOI assignment e-mail


FOI Request Number FOI328488(copied below)
Allocated to Annikka
Deadline for draft reply / extension notice 12/09
FOI case adviser [


Notes: s 12


Please note the deadline to submit your draft response.  The FOI Team
needs at least 5 days to clear it with Ministers’ offices before issuing
the final response. 




1)    This FOI request has been allocated to you as the nominated case
officer for the team which is most likely to hold information relevant to
the request.  If you believe that it has been allocated wrongly, you must
inform the FOI Team immediately.


2)    A template for your draft response is attached – please note the
section for handling considerations.


3)    The named FOI case adviser is ready to help you handle this request.


4)    FOI guidance can be found
at [1]
additional information
at [2]

5)    The FOI Team will issue the final response to the applicant.



o Extensions are only permitted in law if you hold information and need
additional time to carry out a public interest test against a named
exemption to the FOI Act. Contact your case adviser if you believe
that you need an extension.
o FOI performance is monitored by the Information Commissioner across
government. Should we fail to respond to FOI requests within the
statutory time limits the ICO can take enforcement action against CO.



FOI Team

Knowledge and Information Management 

Cabinet Office

Telephone: 0207 276 2294

Email: [3][Cabinet Office request email]


 Freedom of Information request - Meetings and communications

Inbox x

21 Aug
Dr Emma L 2019,
Briant <[4][FOI #598395 email]> 05:05 (6
to me

Dear Cabinet Office,

Please can I see 1) any communications and also 2) a list details of any
meetings of the Behavioural Insights Team with representatives of the
Behavioural Dynamics Institute (BDi) or Strategic Communication
Laboratories (SCL) or Cambridge Analytica including time, subject of
discussion and any individuals who were press - from 2010 to 2018
inclusive please . Thank you so much.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Emma L Briant


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[5][FOI #598395 email]


Visible links
3. mailto:[Cabinet Office request email]
4. mailto:[FOI #598395 email]
5. mailto:[FOI #598395 email]

FOI Team Mailbox, Cabinet Office

1 Attachment

Please find attached the reply to your FOI request







FOI Team

Room 405

70 Whitehall,

London, SW1A 2AS

E-mail -[1][Cabinet Office request email] 


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear FOI Team Mailbox,

Thank you for your reply. Please could I ask to refine my request and look instead only for the dates 2016-18? I appreciate your assistance very much.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Emma L Briant

FOI Team Mailbox, Cabinet Office


Dear Dr Emma L Briant

Thank you for your request for information. Your request was received on
09/09/2019 and we are considering if it is appropriate to deal with under
the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

This email is just a short acknowledgement of your request.

When corresponding with the Cabinet Office, you may wish to be aware of
how we treat your personal Information.  This is set out in our personal
information charter, at the following
link: [1]

If you have any queries about this email, please contact the FOI team.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours sincerely,

 Knowledge and Information Management Unit

Cabinet Office

E: [2][Cabinet Office request email]


Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]

Dear FOI Team Mailbox,

I'm just writing to follow up on this request as it is over 30 days since I heard from you. I look forward to hearing from you very soon.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Emma L Briant