
The request was partially successful.

Dear Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust,

Please can you send me:

a) an electronic copy of the trust's Medicines Formulary;
b) an electronic copy of approved suppliers list for pharmacy
c) detauks of the average waiting time for outpatient prescriptions
d) the organisation chart for pharmacy

Yours faithfully,

S Howard

Dear Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust,

Point c) of my request should read 'details' and not the mis-spelt 'detauks'.

Please acknowledge my request. Your response is due by 19 August.

Yours faithfully,

S Howard

Underwood Mark (RNU) Oxford Health, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

4 Attachments

Please find attached above the Trust response to your request.

regards. Mark M. Underwood.
Mark M. Underwood
Head of Information Governance
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
White Building, Littlemore Mental Health Centre, Sandford Road,
Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4XN
direct dial: 08452191269
email: [email address]

Oxford Health. Caring, safe and excellent.

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