Medicine course admissions data

safiya made this Freedom of Information request to University of St Andrews Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

To whom it may concern,
I am a prospective student for your university, and I am writing to request data regarding admissions to your medicine course for the most recent admissions cycle (2024 entry) and the prior year (2023 entry).
I would like to know:
Admissions test scores (UCAT/BMAT)
• For international fee status students that were offered an interview, what was the mean score, the standard deviation of the scores, and the lowest and highest score
• For international fee status students that were offered a place, what was the mean score, the standard deviation of the scores, and the lowest and highest score
• For home fee status students that were offered an interview, what was the mean score, the standard deviation of the scores, and the lowest and highest score
• For home fee status students that were offered a place, what was the mean score, the standard deviation of the scores, and the lowest and highest score

• Did you have an official UCAT cut off score, if so what is this for international students and what is it for home students?
• How is your cut off score selected? Is it linked to the official UCAT deciles data released for each cycle or is it an internal decision by your admissions team and the applications that year?

Ranking candidates and interviews
• How many interviews were held? And what was the split between the number for international students vs home fees student?
• What elements of an application do you use to form your scoring system/calculation used to rank students for interviews and for places?
• What was the cut off “score” for this in terms of students invited to interview?

Exam Grades
• For GCSE grades, do you have a cut off for the number of 7s, 8s and 9s offered an interview/place?
• For A level grades, do you have a cut off for the number of As and A*s in predicted grades offered an interview/place?

Thank you for your time regarding this request,
Safiya Baig

Freedom of Information, University of St Andrews

Dear Safiya,

Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Our Ref: 175-24.

Thank you for your email below, dated 30 May 2024.

The University will endeavour to respond to your request as quickly as possible. In any event you will receive a response within the time set for compliance, as prescribed in section 10 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 i.e. no later than 27 June 2024.

It may prove necessary for the University to seek further clarification from you, to assist it in identifying and locating the information requested. If this is the case either I or one of my colleagues will write to you in this respect. If clarification is required we will seek this at the earliest opportunity.

In the meantime, should you have any questions about your information request please do not hesitate to contact me. Please quote Ref number 175-24 in any future correspondence in this connection.

Yours sincerely,


Christopher Milne
Head of Information Assurance and Governance
Office of the Principal
University of St Andrews

Walter Bower House
Main Street, Guardbridge, St Andrews
KY16 0US

T: +44(0)1334464010
M: 07720948036
E: [email address]

The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland: SC013532

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Freedom of Information, University of St Andrews

2 Attachments

Dear Safiya,


Please find attached the University’s response to your request below for
information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.


Kind Regards








June Weir

Information Assurance and Governance Officer

Office of the Principal


University of St Andrews

Walter Bower House

Main Street, Guardbridge, St Andrews KY16 0US

Fife, Scotland


Tel: +44 (0)1334 462776


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