Medicine course A100 admission statistics for applicants applying with attained grades
Dear Queen Mary University of London,
I am making a request to find out for medicine entry for course A100.
For academic years 2019/2020 through to 2023/2024
1) Total number of home student applicants per year
2) Total number of home student offers per year
3) Total number of international student applicants per year
4) Total number of international student offers per year
5) How many home student applicants applied with grades already acheived from the previous academic year
6) How many home student applicants received interviews with grades already acheived from the previous academic year
7) How many home student applicants received offers with grades already acheived from the previous academic year
8) What were the grade counts for home students applying with grades already acheived from previous academic year and made offers e.g. how many with AAA or A*AA or A*A*A or A*A*A* were made offers
9) What were the grade counts for international students applying with grades already acheived from previous academic year and made offers e.g. how many with AAA or A*AA or A*A*A or A*A*A* were made offers
10) How many home applicants applied with grades already acheived from the previous academic year where for Chemisty grade was A and Mathematics A* and Biology A*
11) How many international applicants applied with grades already acheived from the previous academic year where for Chemisty grade was A and Mathematics A* and Biology A*
12) What were the UCAT distribution scores for home applicants with grades already acheived and made offers
13) What were the UCAT distribution scores for international applicants with grades already acheived and made offers
Yours faithfully,
Ashvin Patel
Dear Ashvin Patel,
We acknowledge receipt of your request and will respond as soon as we can.
Kind regards,
Queen Mary University of London
Dear Ashvin Patel,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.
I am pleased to enclose the requested information.
Please find the information about previous academic years in the attached document.
2024/25 entry for A100:
1) Total number of home student applicants per year - 1410
2) Total number of home student offers per year - 733
3) Total number of international student applicants per year - 473
4) Total number of international student offers per year - 50
5) How many home student applicants applied with grades already achieved from the previous academic year -The data provided does not account for numbers of applicants who only achieved grades from the previous academic year. It could include students with grades achieved in years prior to the previous academic year in question. 159 in 2024/25 vs 264 in 2023/24
6) How many home student applicants received interviews with grades already achieved from the previous academic year - 82 in 2024/25 vs 184 in 2023/24
7) How many home student applicants received offers with grades already achieved from the previous academic year - 28 in 2024/25 vs 82 in 2023/24
8) What were the grade counts for home students applying with grades already achieved from previous academic year and made offers e.g. how many with AAA or A*AA or A*A*A or A*A*A* were made offers
2024/25 = A*A*A* (4)
2024/25 = A*A*A (13)
2024/25 = A*AA (8)
2024/25 = AAA (1)
2024/25 = Non-A level qualifications (2)
2023/24 = A*A*A* (30)
2023/24 = A*A*A (15)
2023/24 = A*AA (25)
2023/24 = AAA (3)
2023/24 = Non-A level qualifications = (9)
9) What were the grade counts for international students applying with grades already achieved from previous academic year and made offers e.g. how many with AAA or A*AA or A*A*A or A*A*A* were made offers
2023/24 = A*A*A* = (1)
2023/24 = A*AA = (1)
2023/24 = Non-A level qualifications = (4)
2024/25 = A*A*A* = (2)
2024/25 = Non-A level qualifications = (9)
10) How many home applicants applied with grades already achieved from the previous academic year where for Chemistry grade was A and Mathematics A* and Biology A* - 2023/24 = 4
Data is from 'Home' applicants holding offers for A100.
11) How many international applicants applied with grades already achieved from the previous academic year where for Chemistry grade was A and Mathematics A* and Biology A* - 2023/24 = 0
Data is from 'Overseas' applicants holding offers for A100.
12) What were the UCAT distribution scores for home applicants with grades already achieved and made offers - 2024/25 = Lowest 2420 - Highest 3130
13) What were the UCAT distribution scores for international applicants with grades already achieved and made offers - 2024/25 = Lowest 2940 - Highest 3270
If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may ask QMUL to conduct a review of this decision. To do this, please contact QMUL in writing (including by fax, letter or email), describe the original request, explain your grounds for dissatisfaction, and include an address for correspondence. You have 40 working days from receipt of this communication to submit a review request. When the review process has been completed, if you are still dissatisfied, you may ask the Information Commissioner to intervene. Please see for details.
Yours sincerely,
Queen Mary University of London
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