Medicine course A100 admission statistics for applicants applying with attained grades
Dear Imperial College London,
I am making a request to find out for medicine entry for course A100.
For academic years 2019/2020 through to 2023/2024
1) Total number of home student applicants per year
2) Total number of home student offers per year
3) Total number of international student applicants per year
4) Total number of international student offers per year
5) How many home student applicants applied with grades already acheived from the previous academic year
6) How many home student applicants received interviews with grades already acheived from the previous academic year
7) How many home student applicants received offers with grades already acheived from the previous academic year
8) What were the grade counts for home students applying with grades already acheived from previous academic year and made offers e.g. how many with AAA or A*AA or A*A*A or A*A*A* were made offers
9) What were the grade counts for international students applying with grades already acheived from previous academic year and made offers e.g. how many with AAA or A*AA or A*A*A or A*A*A* were made offers
10) How many home applicants applied with grades already acheived from the previous academic year where for Chemisty grade was A and Mathematics A* and Biology A*
11) How many international applicants applied with grades already acheived from the previous academic year where for Chemisty grade was A and Mathematics A* and Biology A*
12) What were the BMAT distribution scores for home applicants with grades already acheived and made offers
13) What were the BMAT distribution scores for international applicants with grades already acheived and made offers
Yours faithfully,
Ashvin Patel
Dear Ashvin,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request. Please refer to our published admissions figures:
In addition, Imperial has compiled an information sheet which addresses the most frequently asked questions we receive regarding admissions to Medicine (A100). Please see the Freedom of Information FAQs on the ‘Introducing our Imperial College London Medicine degree’ web page:
Information is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (Section 21) if it is already reasonably accessible to the requester. The published information is updated annually on completion of the admissions cycle. Information that is intended for future publication is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act by virtue of Section 22 of the Act.
The Freedom of Information Act created a right to access information to enable scrutiny of public authorities in the public interest. Section 14(1) of the Act aims to protect public authorities by allowing them to refuse any requests which have the potential to cause a disproportionate or unjustified level of disruption and are therefore deemed vexatious. While we appreciate that your request was made in good faith and was not intended to cause disruption, we are entitled to consider whether a request has a value or serious purpose in terms of the objective public interest in the information sought and to weigh that against the burden that would be placed on the organisation by having to produce that information. The public interest being the public good, not what is of interest to groups of or individual members of the public. Imperial's view is that there is no public interest value in the information you have requested that is not included in the published information referred to above that would justify the university devoting resources to producing the information. Our view is that any legitimate public interest in admissions figures to our MBBS programme is met by the extensive information already in the public domain set out above. We are therefore refusing the elements of your request not covered by the published information in reliance on Section 14 of the Act.
Freedom of Information Team
Imperial College London
Please note that if you are unhappy with the way that we have handled your request, you can ask us to conduct a review. Please make your representation in writing within 2 months of the date you received this response. If you remain dissatisfied with how Imperial has handled your request, you may then approach the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Thank you for your response.
As of this reply (06/09/2024 @ 19:23) the first URL in your response returns a page informing 'Sorry, the page you are looking for cannot be found.'
The second URL in your response which results in a the following pdf to be down loaded A100-FOI-FAQs-10.2022.pdf. This too when URL in section 2 'The admissions process' is selected results in 'Sorry, the page you are looking for cannot be found.'
Furthermore the pdf A100-FOI-FAQs-10.2022.pdf only has data for 2018-2022. The last two academic years are absent.
My information requests numbered 5 to 13 are unlikely to be available in the published admissions figures as they are distinguishing applicants applying with grades in hand in order to understand whether putting Imperial College London will lead to an offer.
Kindly look into the broken URLs and also inform whether my information request for applicants with grades in hand is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (Section 21) and/or does not meet Section 14(1).
Yours sincerely,
Ashvin Patel
Apologies for the out-of-date links/attachments, please see below and attached.
As stated in our response, we have refused the elements of your request not covered by the published information in reliance on Section 14 of the Act.
Freedom of Information Team
Imperial College London
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