Medicine Admissions Statistics for entry 2020 & 2021
Dear Imperial College London,
My name is Lola Klopp. Please may I do a freedom of information request for the following questions?
Overall BMAT Score
BMAT 2019 (For 2020 Entry) and BMAT 2020 (For 2021 Entry)-Overall BMAT Score
Can you confirm the formula you use to calculate the overall BMAT score?
What was the lowest overall BMAT score of a school leaver/undergraduate home applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest overall BMAT score of a graduate home applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest overall BMAT score of a school leaver/undergraduate international applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest overall BMAT score of a graduate international applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
If the information you have available is not divided between graduate applicants and school leavers/undergraduate applicants for the 6-year medicine programme, then please provide the information just for Home vs. International applicants
BMAT Scores per Section
BMAT 2019 (For 2020 Entry) and BMAT 2020 (For 2021 Entry)- BMAT Scores per Section
What was the lowest BMAT section 1 score of a school leaver/undergraduate home applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest BMAT section 1 score of a graduate home applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest BMAT section 1 score of a school leaver/undergraduate international applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest BMAT section 1 score of a graduate international applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest BMAT section 2 score of a school leaver/undergraduate home applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest BMAT section 2 score of a graduate home applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest BMAT section 2 score of a school leaver/ undergraduate international applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest BMAT section 2 score of a graduate international applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest BMAT section 3 score of a school leaver/ undergraduate home applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest BMAT section 3 score of a graduate home applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest BMAT section 3 score of a school leaver/undergraduate international applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
What was the lowest BMAT section 3 score of a graduate international applicant invited to an interview for the 6 year Medicine programme?
If the information you have available is not divided between graduate applicants and school leavers/undergraduate applicants for the five-year programme, then please provide the information just for Home vs. International applicants.
Admissions Data for 2020 Entry and for 2021 Entry, for your 6-year programme
Home Students
How many spaces were available for school leaver/undergraduate home students?
How many spaces were available for graduate home students?
How many applications did you receive from school leaver/undergraduate home candidates?
How many applications did you receive from graduate home candidates?
How many school leaver/undergraduate home candidates were invited for an interview?
How many graduate home candidates were invited for an interview?
How many offers were made to school leaver/undergraduate home candidates
How many offers were made to graduate home candidates?
International students
How many spaces were available for school leaver/undergraduate international students?
How many spaces were available for graduate international students?
How many applications did you receive from school leaver/undergraduate international candidates?
How many applications did you receive from graduate international candidates?
How many school leaver/undergraduate international candidates were invited for an interview?
How many graduate international candidates were invited for an interview?
How many offers were made to school leaver/undergraduate international candidates?
How many offers were made to graduate international candidates?
If you do not split your spaces between graduates and undergraduates then please provide the number of places for home vs. international students only. If that is not available, please provide the grouping you do have available.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Ms Klopp,
We are writing to you further to our duty, contained at Section 16 of the
Freedom of Information Act, to provide advice and assistance to
We are not able to provide individual BMAT scores as that information
would be regarded as the personal information of the applicants. Imperial
College publishes undergraduate admissions statistics for the past 5
completed admissions cycles. These include:
o Number of applicants, offers and places confirmed
o Average BMAT Scores
o Details of A level, IB and STEP Offers Made
o New Entrants' Achieved A level and IB Grades
o Admissions Rate by Nationality
The published information can be accessed at the [1]transparency pages of
our website (scroll to the bottom of the page to the link “Download the
Undergraduate Admission Statistics”). Information is exempt from the
Freedom of Information Act (Section 21) if it is already reasonably
accessible to the requester. The published information will answer the
majority of your questions, if you wish to submit a revised request having
viewed the published information, please let us know.
Please note also that Imperial College offers a Graduate Medicine Degree,
although this has been suspended for 2021 entry while the curriculum is
Freedom of Information Team
Imperial College London
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