Information Assurance and Governance
Office of the Principal
16 July 2021
Dear Lola,
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
Our Ref: 222-21
I refer to your enquiry dated 18 June 2021 asking to be supplied with Medicine admission
statistics for 2020 and 2021 entry. The University’s response to each element of your enquiry
is outlined below.
Information not held
As we are currently in the middle of the admission cycle for 2021 entry, this data is
unavailable at the present time. Section 17 of the FOISA requires that a Scottish public
authority confirms in writing where information requested of it is not held and notice is
therefore given to this effect.
The University of St Andrews operates a three-year BSc (Honours) Medicine programme that
has UCAS code A100. Graduates of this programme then go on to complete an MB
ChB/MBBS qualification at a Partner Medical School. The information held by the University
and being provided below relates to 2020 entry to our BSc (Hons) Medicine degree
The funded and clinical places for Home and RUK applicants are regulated and controlled
externally to the University and are available from the Scottish Funding Council website
( Penalties apply if institutions do not keep with in th es e
number controls. For your additional information, for the parts of your enquiry where you ask
to be supplied with the number of available spaces, the University has supplied the number of
Acceptances which I trust you find of interest.
1. UCAT 2019 (For 2020 Entry) & UCAT 2020 (For 2021 Entry) - Scottish statistics - lowest
a) What was the lowest UCAT score of a school leaver/undergraduate Scottish applicant
invited to an interview for the 6-year Medicine programme?
Applicant data is not held in our records split by school leavers and graduates.
Information Assurance and Governance
01334 462776
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
b) What was the lowest UCAT score for a graduate Scottish applicant invited to an interview
for the 6-year Medicine programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1a) above.
c) What was the lowest UCAT score for a Scottish applicant who completed the
Gateway2Medicine programme and was invited to an interview for the 6-year Medicine
Not applicable. The Gateway programme provides the opportunity for students resident in
Scotland who have completed S5 at school to study at first-year undergraduate level.
Those who pass the course and meet the other requirements for progression will transfer
automatically into the Medicine A100 degree course at St Andrews and do not have to
d) If the data is not available split between graduate, school leaver/undergraduate applicants
and those who completed the Gateway2Medicine course, for the 6-year programme, could
you please inform me of the lowest UCAT score of any Scottish applicant who was invited
for an interview?
It is noted that the data we hold and being provided is based on the fee reporting group of
the applicant rather than nationality. Table 1 in Appendix A provides the minimum UCAT
score of applicants for 2020/21 entry invited to interview whose fee status was Scotland.
2. UCAT 2019 (For 2020 Entry) & UCAT 2020 (For 2021 Entry) - Rest of UK statistics -
lowest UCAT
a) What was the lowest UCAT score of a school leaver/undergraduate applicant from the rest
of the UK invited to an interview for the 6-year Medicine programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
b) What was the lowest UCAT score of a graduate applicant from the rest of the UK invited to
an interview for the 6-year Medicine programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
c) If the data is not available split between graduate and school leaver/undergraduate
applicants for the 5-year programme, could you please inform me of the lowest UCAT
score of any applicant from the rest of the UK who was invited for an interview?
Table 1 in Appendix A provides the minimum UCAT score of applicants for 2020/21 entry
invited to interview whose fee status was RUK.
d) If the data is not available split between Scottish applicants and those from the rest of the
UK, could you please inform me of the lowest UCAT score of any applicant from the entire
UK who was invited for an interview?
Not applicable.
3. UCAT 2019 (For 2020 Entry) & UCAT 2020 (For 2021 Entry) - International statistics -
lowest UCAT
a) What was the lowest UCAT score of a school leaver/undergraduate international applicant
invited to an interview for the 6-year Medicine programme? Are international applicants
from different regions considered in the same pool or different pool? If so, could you clarify
the groups?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
b) What was the lowest UCAT score for a graduate international applicant invited to an
interview for the 6-year Medicine programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
c) If the data is not available split between graduate and school leaver/undergraduate
applicants for the 6-year programme, could you please inform me of the lowest UCAT
score of any international applicant who was invited for an interview?
Table 1 in Appendix A provides the minimum UCAT score of applicants for 2020/21 entry
invited to interview whose fee status was Overseas.
d) If the data is not available split between Scottish, rest of the UK and international
applicants, can you please provide the overall data or any other grouping that you may
have available.
Not applicable.
e) What was the lowest UCAT score of a school leaver/undergraduate Canadian applicant
invited to an interview for the Scottish-Canadian Medical Programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
f) What was the lowest UCAT score of a graduate Canadian applicant invited to an
interview for the Scottish-Canadian Medical Programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
g) If the data is not available split between graduate and school leaver/undergraduate
Canadian applicants for the Scottish-Canadian Medical Programme, could you please
inform me of the lowest UCAT score of any Canadian applicant who was invited for an
Table 1 in Appendix A provides the minimum UCAT score of applicants for 2020/21 entry
invited to interview whose fee status was Scottish-Canadian Medical Programme.
Information Assurance and Governance
01334 462776
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
4. UCAT 2019 (For 2020 Entry) & UCAT 2020 (For 2021 Entry) - Scottish statistics - Average
a) What was the average UCAT score of school leavers/undergraduate Scottish applicants
invited to an interview for the 6-year Medicine programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
b) What was the average UCAT score for graduate Scottish applicants invited to an interview
for the 6-year Medicine programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
c) What was the average UCAT score for Scottish applicants who completed the
Gateway2Medicine programme and were invited to an interview for the 6-year Medicine
Please refer to the answer given at 1(c) above.
d) If the data is not available split between graduate, school leaver/undergraduate applicants
and those who completed the Gateway2Medicine course, for the 6-year programme, could
you please inform me of the average UCAT scores of all Scottish applicants who were
invited for an interview?
Table 1 in Appendix A provides the average UCAT score of applicants for 2020/21 entry
invited to interview whose fee status was Scotland.
5. UCAT 2019 (For 2020 Entry) & UCAT 2020 (For 2021 Entry) - Rest of UK statistics –
Average UCAT
a) What was the average UCAT score of school leavers/undergraduate applicants from the
rest of the UK, invited to an interview for the 6-year Medicine programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
b) What was the average UCAT score for graduate applicants from the rest of the UK, invited
to an interview for the 6-year Medicine programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
c) If the data is not available split between graduate and school leaver/undergraduate
applicants for the 6-year programme, could you please inform me of the average UCAT
scores of applicants from the entire UK who were invited for an interview?
Table 1 in Appendix A provides the average UCAT score of applicants for 2020/21 entry
invited to interview whose fee status was RUK.
6. UCAT 2019 (For 2020 Entry) & UCAT 2020 (For 2021 Entry) - International statistics –
Average UCAT
a) What were the average UCAT scores of school leaver/undergraduate international
applicants invited for an interview to the 6-year Medicine programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
b) What were the average UCAT scores for graduate international applicants invited for an
interview to the 6-year Medicine programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
c) If the data is not available split between graduate and school leaver/undergraduate
applicants for the 6-year programme, could you please inform me of the average UCAT
score of international applicants who were invited for an interview?
Table 1 in Appendix A provides the average UCAT score of applicants for 2020/21 entry
invited to interview whose fee status was Overseas.
d) If the data is not available split between Scottish, rest of the UK and international
applicants, can you please provide the overall data or any other grouping that you may
have available.
Not applicable.
e) What were the average UCAT scores of school leaver/undergraduate Canadian applicants
invited to an interview for the Scottish-Canadian Medical Programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
f) What were the average UCAT scores of graduate Canadian applicants invited to an
interview for the Scottish-Canadian Medical Programme?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
g) If the data is not available split between graduate and school leaver/undergraduate
Canadian applicants for the Scottish-Canadian Medical Programme, could you please
inform me of the average UCAT score of any Canadian applicant who was invited for an
Table 1 in Appendix A provides the average UCAT score of applicants for 2020/21 entry
invited to interview whose fee status was Scottish-Canadian Medical Programme.
7. Admissions Data for 2020 Entry and for 2021 Entry, for your 6 programme
7.1 Students from the Gateway2Medicine programme
a) How many spaces were available for students from/who completed the
Gateway2Medicine programme?
b) How many applications did you receive from students from the Gateway2medicine
c) How many students from the Gateway2Medicine programme were invited for an
Information Assurance and Governance
01334 462776
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
d) How many students from the Gateway2Medicine programme received an offer?
e) What are the minimum requirements to be eligible to receive an interview for the 5-year
programme, from the Gateway2Medicine programme?
The Gateway programme provides the opportunity for students resident in Scotland who
have completed S5 at school to study at first-year undergraduate level. Those who pass
the course and meet the other requirements for progression will transfer automatically in to
the six-year Medicine A100 course at St Andrews and do not have to reapply. As such, no
recorded information is held by the University relevant to this part of your enquiry.
Further information on the Gateway to Medicine programme can be found on our website
Gateway to Medicine - Subjects - University of St Andrews ( .
7.2 Scottish Students
a) How many spaces were available for school leavers/undergraduate Scottish students?
b) How many spaces were available for graduate Scottish students?
As previously indicated, intake targets for the controlled subject of Medicine in universities
is regulated by the Scottish Funding.
c) How many applications did you receive from undergraduate Scottish candidates?
d) How many applications did you receive from graduate Scottish candidates?
e) How many undergraduate Scottish candidates were invited for an interview?
f) How many graduate Scottish candidates were invited for an interview?
g) How many offers were made to undergraduate Scottish candidates?
h) How many offers were made to graduate Scottish candidates?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above.
i) If the information is not available split between school leavers and graduate applicants,
please provide the overall numbers.
Table 1 in Appendix A provides the: number of applications; applicants invited for
interview; offers and acceptances for 2020/21 entry to the University of St Andrews BSc
(Hons) Medicine programme broken down by fee status.
7.3 Rest of the UK Students
a) How many spaces were available for school leavers/undergraduate students from the rest
of the UK?
b) How many spaces were available for graduate students from the rest of the UK?
Please refer to the answer given at 7.2 (a) and (b)
c) How many applications did you receive from school leavers/undergraduate candidates
from the rest of the UK?
d) How many applications did you receive from graduate candidates from the rest of the UK?
e) How many undergraduate candidates from the rest of the UK were invited for an
f) How many graduate candidates from the rest of the UK were invited for an interview?
g) How many offers were made to undergraduate candidates from the rest of the UK?
h) How many offers were made to graduate candidates from the rest of the UK?
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above and the data provided in Table 1 of
Appendix A.
7.4 International students
a) How many spaces were available for undergraduate international students?
b) How many spaces were available for graduate international students?
There are approximately 30 places for overseas applicants on the A100 degree
programme; approximately 10-15 of those places are filled by students on the International
Foundation for Medicine course at St Andrews leaving 15 laces for other overseas
In terms of the A990 degree programme, there are approximately 20 places for overseas
c) How many applications did you receive from undergraduate international candidates?
d) How many applications did you receive from graduate international candidates?
e) How many undergraduate international candidates were invited for an interview?
f) How many graduate international candidates were invited for an interview?
g) How many offers were made to undergraduate international candidates?
h) How many offers were made to graduate international candidates?
i) If you do not split your spaces between graduates, undergraduates, and those who
completed the Gateway2Medicine programme then please provide the number of places
for Scotland vs. the rest of UK vs. international students only. If that is not available,
please provide the grouping you do have available.
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above and the data provided in Table 1 of
Appendix A.
8. Admissions Data for 2020 Entry and for 2021 Entry for th e Scottish-Canadian Medical
a) How many spaces were available for undergraduate students?
b) How many spaces were available for graduate students?
Please refer to the answer given at 7.2(a) and (b).
c) How many applications did you receive from undergraduate candidates?
d) How many applications did you receive from graduate candidates?
e) How many undergraduate candidates were invited for an interview?
f) How many graduate candidates were invited for an interview?
g) How many offers were made to undergraduate candidates?
h) How many offers were made to graduate candidates?
Information Assurance and Governance
01334 462776
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
Please refer to the answer given at 1(a) above and the data provided in Table 1 of
Appendix A.
Information not held
Section 17 of the FOISA requires that a Scottish public authority confirms in writing where
information requested of it is not held and for the reasons set out at: 1(a)-(c); 2(a), (b) and (d);
3(a), (b), (d)-g); 4(a)-(c); 5(a) and (b); 6(a), (b), (d)-(f); 7.1(a)-(e); 7.2(c)-(h); 7.3(a)-(h); 7.4(a)-
(h); and 8(c)-(h).
Information otherwise accessible
In answer to the parts of your request in relation to available spaces you are being directed to
the information available on the Scottish Funding Council’s website. As this information is
readily available, section 25(1),
Information otherwise accessible of the FOISA is being
applied. Please note that this exemption is absolute and does not require validation through
application of the public interest test.
Your right to seek a review of how your information request was managed
If you are not satisfied with the University’s response and/or our reasoning set-out above, you
have the right to request a review of our decision. The timelines in which this right is available
are set out in section 20(5)(a) and (b) FOISA. In broad terms the right to seek a review must
be exercised within 40 working days of receiving this response.
The Information Assurance and Governance team are currently working remotely due to the
Coronavirus pandemic. Any request for review at this time should be sent by email to
foi@st- stating:
a) your name and address;
b) details of your original request; and
c) the reasons why you are dissatisfied with our response.
If you remain dissatisfied with how your request for information has been dealt with following
Review, you also have the right to apply to the Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) for a
decision. In the event of an appeal to the SIC, the Commissioner will generally only be able
to investigate the matters raised in the request for review.
Details on how to make an appeal online to the SIC can be found on their website:
sioner.aspx .
This concludes the University’s response.
Yours sincerely
Information Assurance and Governance Officer