Medical Officer Promotion Timelines and Pay Scales
Dear Ministry of Defence,
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the typical promotion timelines, incremental pay increases, and corresponding pay scales for Medical Officers (MO) in the Army. The request is to provide a clear mapping of these details to pay scales, considering time spent as a General Duties Medical Officer (GDMO which has no NHS equivilent.
Given the complexity of these timelines, the most useful format would be to provide the information by years post-graduation. For example, please map the promotion timelines and pay scales for the first twelve years post-graduation, assuming a typical path of three years of specialty training as for General Practitioners (GPs).
Specifically, please include the following details:
- Years Post-Graduation: Starting from Post-Graduate Year 1 (PGY1), which corresponds to Foundation Year 1 (FY1) in the NHS.
- NHS Training Point Equivalent: For example, FY2, ST1, ST5, etc.
- NATO Rank Code with Incremental Level Suffix: For example, OF-1 Level .
- Current Pay: The pay recieved at that level.
- Whether that increase in level is competitive / on merit or based on time served.
Additionally, I request confirmation on whether the completion of the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) refers to the "accredited" pay scale as indicated in the circulated Armed Forces Pay Review document. If not, please clarifty at what point a MO would move from the "non-accredited GMP" scale. to the "accredited GMP" pay scale.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
James Smith
Dear Mr Smith
Please see attached correspondence from the Ministry of Defence.
Yours sincerely
Workforce 3 | Army Policy & Secretariat
Strategic Centre| Army Headquarters | IDL 24 | Blenheim Building |
Marlborough Lines | ANDOVER | SP11 8HJ
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