Medical Appeal Tribunal Stats
Dear Northern Ireland Policing Board,
Please provide the details for the Medical appeal Tribunal that took place in 2019. Please include all information you have on this MAT. Please include the MAT court reference Number,
the MAT date, The outcome of the MAT. Please confirm if the applicants application was successful before at the MAT hearing , please include if the applicants applications was unsuccessful at the MAT hearing, please confirm if the parties settled the matter by agreement on the date of the MAT hearing or prior to the MAT hearing.
Please provide details of all Medical Appeal Tribunals held going as far back as your records permit to include the details requested below.
Please include which Medical Appeal tribunals where the applicant was Successful at the MAT hearing, (Please include tribunal reference number for each one) Unsuccessful at the MAT hearing (Please provide tribunal ref number for each case) and if the matter was settled by agreement between parties, either prior to the MAT hearing or at the MAT hearing and identify if the parties reached agreement on the day of the MAT hearing or prior to there MAT hearing.
( Please provide Tribunal reference number for each one).
Please include for each of the above categories the date of hearing or date the hearing was arranged for. Please provide Tribunal reference number alongside each one.
Please include details for each of the above categories on what points the MAT was to decide on at the hearing. Please provide tribunal reference number alongside each one.
Yours faithfully,
Gary Benson
Gary Benson,
NIPB Ref: FOI 104/2024
Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board.
Compliance Officer
Northern Ireland Policing Board
James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA
Web: / Read: Policing Matters NIPB on
Twitter / NIPB on Facebook / NIPB on Youtube
Dear Northern Ireland Policing Board,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Northern Ireland Policing Board's handling of my FOI request 'Medical Appeal Tribunal Stats'.
The NIPB have failed to respond to my FOI within the 20 day time frame. I initially received a response from NIPB stating that they would provide a response by the 22/01/25 it is now the 23/01/25 and I have not been given any response. It has been held that lack of resources is not an acceptable defence to failing to respond within statutory time frames.
Regards Gary Benson
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Gary Benson
Mr Benson
NIPB Ref: FOI 104/2024
This is to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail below dated 23 January 2025 which is receiving attention.
Data Protection / Compliance Officer
Northern Ireland Policing Board
James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA
Web: / Read: Policing Matters
NIPB on Twitter / NIPB on Facebook / NIPB on Youtube
Mr Benson,
NIPB Ref: FOI 104/2024
Please see attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board.
Data Protection / Compliance Officer
Northern Ireland Policing Board
James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA
Web: / Read: Policing Matters
NIPB on Twitter / NIPB on Facebook / NIPB on Youtube
Dear Northern Ireland Policing Board,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Northern Ireland Policing Board's handling of my FOI request 'Medical Appeal Tribunal Stats'.
I have received you response to my query and I believe you are wrong to say that you cannot give me the details I requested as it is third party information. The was a case that was listed as a Medical Appeals Tribunal at the RCJ Belfast this means that the details would have been publicly listed and therefore you response does not stand.This is not a family court with restricted access and therefore the matter would have been public information.
I therefore request that you conduct an internal review of my request and answer it fully and correctly.
If you had genuine concerns about releasing a third parties details to me you could have redacted the name of the third party.
I believe that by withholding this information you are being obstructive and are wasting public funds taken from tax receipts of the UK population. Each time the NIPB fail to met the timelines set by the legislations and a review is requested this causes waste by staff at NIPB having to look at the request again which cause the use of addition man hours which could be allocated elsewhere.
Please carry out the review and supply the information requested by me or outline fully why you are failing to supply them so that I may take the matter up with ICO.
Kind Regards Gary Benson
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Gary Benson
Mr Benson
NIPB Ref: FOI 104/2024 Internal Review
This is to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail below dated 6 February 2025 which is receiving attention.
Data Protection / Compliance Officer
Northern Ireland Policing Board
James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA
Web: / Read: Policing Matters
NIPB on Twitter / NIPB on Facebook / NIPB on Youtube
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