Requests similar to 'M&E FM Services Conract'

M&E FM Services Conract
Request sent to Museum of London by Craig Wilkinson on .


Could you confirm when the M&E FM services contract is due to expire and when you would expect this to come to market for competitve bid please? Your...
NPD Final Business Case Ayrshire College
Response by Scottish Futures Trust Limited to Hannah Kirkpatrick on .

Partially successful

Please find attached our response to your request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 received on 7 November 2017.   Regards  ...
Schools Catering Contracts
Response by Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council to Samuel Smith on .


Dear Mr Smith,   Request for Information – Freedom of Information Unique Reference FOI 7752   Please find attached response in relation to yo...
Facilities Management - Hards Services/M&E
Request sent to Historic Royal Palaces by Craig Wilkinson on .

Long overdue

Could you please advise the following; > When are your current FM or M&E (mechanical and electrical) contracts due to expire across all of the sites?...
NPD Final Business Case Ayrshire College
Response by Ayrshire College to Hannah Kirkpatrick on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Kirkpatrick   I attach a response to your Freedom of Information request of 7 November 2017, submitted under the Freedom of Information (S...
Hard FM Services - M&E Tender
Request sent to Cabinet Office by Craig Wilkinson on .


I would like to request the following information: > When is the 'hard' services (M&E) tender due to expire with your current provider? > When do yo...
Facilities Management- M&E
Request sent to The National Theatre by Craig Wilkinson on .

Long overdue

Could you please advise: When the current FM hard services or M&E contract is due to expire and when you would expect this to come to market for comp...
Dear Mr Reynolds,   Further to our previous emails, please find enclosed part 3 of 3 of the response. This now concludes the response to your requ...
Dear Mr Horkin,   Further to our previous emails, please find enclosed part 3 of 3 of the response. This now concludes the response to your reques...
Dear I Corfield,   Many thanks for your email on 28 May 2019 in which you requested to see the application with its supporting documentation and a...
NPD Procurement - New Build College Campus
Response by City of Glasgow College to John Murray on .

Partially successful

(Email sent on behalf of Paul Clark, College Secretary) Dear Mr Murray Please find attached response to your requests reference numbers 37 16-17 and...
Dear Mr Urquhart Thank you for your email dated 2 June addressed to the former Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills, requesting informat...
NPD campus build procurement and contract information
Response by City of Glasgow College to Hattie Wilde on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Wilde Please find attached letter with Appendices in response to your request for informantion as per your email below. As detailed in the let...
FM - Hard Services
Request sent to Royal Shakespeare Company by Craig Wilkinson on .

Long overdue

Could you advise when the current facilities management or hard services (M&E) contract is due to expire and their estimates annual value? When would...
Facilities Management- M&E
Request sent to Foreign and Commonwealth Office by Craig Wilkinson on .

Partially successful

Could you please advise when your current FM hard services contract is due to expire and when you would expect this to come to market? What is the es...
Dear Mrs Susan Meadows,    Thank you for your Freedom of Information request on 18 February 2023 in which you requested to see information on "The Hold...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Croydon Borough Council to Brian Farnet on .


Dear Mr. Farnet, I am writing further to your email dated 30 July 2010, in which you have requested information in respect of, Freedom of Informat...
Please see attached T Rasool | Information Officer Communications and Engagement Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust W: w...
Dear Mr Wilkinson   Your information request (1183)   I am writing in response to your email of 30 March 2020 in which you asked a question ab...
FM - Hard Services
Request sent to Govia Thameslink Railway Limited by Craig Wilkinson on .

Long overdue

Could you advise when the current facilities management or hard services (M&E) contracts are due to expire and their estimates annual value? When wou...
Dear Mr Campbell I write regarding your complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) about your Freedom of Information request sent to...
Peyton & Byrne
Response by The British Library to John Fox on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Fox   Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information Request 1501 which we received here at The British Library on 12 Ja...
UEC and Senate Minutes
Response by University of Durham to Mr Park on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Requester   Thank you for your request for information from Durham University. Colleagues have provided the information below/attached in res...
  Ref No: 62329 Subject:Margate Renewal Partnership   Dear Ms Oldfield   Thank you for your communication received on 12/03/2014 where you reque...
Dear Mr Smith, Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response to your recent FOI request (our ref:FOI-1400838). Yours si...