MBBS Medicine Admission Statistics

The request was partially successful.

Dear Queen Mary University of London,

I am writing to you regarding your MBBS Medicine (A100) course.
Could you please provide myself with an Excel spreadsheet with the following data/information from the last 2 admission cycles:
1) A Level grades (predicted)
2) A Level grades (achieved)
3) UCAT score
4) Whether an offer was made
5) Whether they were interviewed

Could you also provide me with the average GCSE grade for Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics for those who were given an offer?
Also, what was the lowest GCSE grade combination for those who were given an interview and given an offer?

Yours faithfully,

J Singh

QM FOI Enquiries, Queen Mary University of London

We acknowledge receipt of your request and will respond as soon as we can.

QM FOI Enquiries, Queen Mary University of London

1 Attachment

FOI 2020/F195


Dear J. Singh,


Thank you for your email. We apologise for the delay in responding.


We are not able to supply all the information you have requested for
diverse reasons. Firstly, we would not supply all of this data in
combination for each individual applicant for privacy reasons. Predicted
grades are overwritten by achieved grades, so we would not hold those
generally. We do hold some GCSE data, but do not use this in assessing
applicants, except as stated on our website; to extract this information
and then provide averages for certain subjects is not feasible without
exceeding the appropriate limit as defined by the Freedom of Information
and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit) Regulations 2004. For your
information this is £450, calculated as the estimated cost of one person
spending 18 hours in determining whether the information is held, then
locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Section 12 of the
FOIA therefore makes provision for public authorities to refuse such


Furthermore, not all applicants hold GCSEs or A Levels and just because an
applicant has A Level grades against their record, does not mean they used
A Levels to gain entry; they may have a degree or an International
Baccalaureate etc. Each year’s cohort of applicants is different. Please
find attached data fulfilling parts 2 and 4 of your request. Average UCAT
scores can be found by searching other requests on WhatDoTheyKnow.com.


If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may ask QMUL to conduct a
review of this decision.  To do this, please contact the College in
writing (including by fax, letter or email), describe the original
request, explain your grounds for dissatisfaction, and include an address
for correspondence.  You have 40 working days from receipt of this
communication to submit a review request.  When the review process has
been completed, if you are still dissatisfied, you may ask the Information
Commissioner to intervene. Please see [1]www.ico.org.uk for details.

Yours sincerely


Paul Smallcombe

Records & Information Compliance Manager



Visible links
1. http://www.ico.org.uk/