Maydew House graffiti SE16
Dear Southwark Council,
What was the cost of removing the graffiti mentioning Boris Johnson at the top of Maydew House in SE16?
Please also supply correspondence and documents relating to the graffiti and the decision to remove it.
Yours faithfully,
James Hatts
Dear Mr Hatts,
Re: Your request for information: 1918728
Thank you for your request for information in which you requested:
Dear Southwark Council,
What was the cost of removing the graffiti mentioning Boris Johnson at the top of Maydew House in SE16?
Please also supply correspondence and documents relating to the graffiti and the decision to remove it.
Please see below:
Please accept our apologies in the delay with this response. This service was temporarily suspended.
This information is not held as the works was not carried out by Southwark Council, we do not own this building so this would have arranged by the association who own Maydew House.
You are free to use the information provided for your own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for the purposes of news reporting. Any other re-use, for example commercial publication, requires the permission of the copyright holder. You may apply for permission to re-use this information by submitting a request to [Southwark Borough Council request email]; you can find details on these arrangements at Detailed advice about the Reuse of Public Sector Information Regulations (PSI) 2005 is available from the Office of Public Sector Information at:
If you have any queries or concerns then please contact us using the above details.
Further information is available through the Information Commissioner at the:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire. SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Please contact me should you desire further clarification.
Yours faithfully,
Roosevelt Pero
Technical Officer
Environment & Leisure
Southwark Council
020 7525 2417
[email address]
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Dear Southwark Council,
I am writing to request an internal review of Southwark Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'Maydew House graffiti SE16'.
I appreciate this isn't the most earth-shatteringly important FOI request ever - and I understand the pressures facing the council right now.
However, your response that the council does not own Maydew House is incorrect. I would be grateful if you could revisit the request and consider it afresh, because I believe the response is mistaken.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
James Hatts
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