Materials supplied to SMPs and IMRs between 2017 to 2023

Waiting for an internal review by Northern Ireland Policing Board of their handling of this request.

Dear Northern Ireland Policing Board,

I previously had contact with you and the DOJ which included communication with a former IMR. The emails have been sent to you between 14th June 2024 and 23rd June 2024. They were sent to NIPB Data Protection email address. These will confirm my identity.

I am now requesting the following material:

1. ALL “material concerning the IMR training, procedures, and processes” that were supplied to the SMP and the IMRs between 2017 - 2023. This includes any digital material shared with them or as Dr **** has described any folders of paperwork.

2.The "assessment method policy" (Detailed in an FOI that was removed from the NIPB website in 2019) This document is from 2017 and is separate to the SMP guidance.

3. The process maps relating to the SMP and the IMR/appeals process produced by the NIPB and agreed by them in 2020.

4. A full and unredacted copy of the paper called "The Implications of the McKee & others v The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland document"

Yours faithfully,


NIPB FOI, Northern Ireland Policing Board



We have no record of an SC contacting NIPB Data Protection on the dates
specified in your email.  Can you contact NIPB FOI direct
[1][Northern Ireland Policing Board request email] to provide details of your identity so we
can give further consideration to your request.




Compliance Officer

Northern Ireland Policing Board

James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA

Web: [2]  / Read: [3] Policing Matters

[4]NIPB on Twitter  / [5]NIPB on Facebook   / [6]NIPB on Youtube  




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NIPB FOI, Northern Ireland Policing Board

1 Attachment



NIPB Ref: FOI 67/2024


Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board.






Compliance Officer


Northern Ireland Policing Board

James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA

Web:  / Read:  Policing Matters NIPB on
Twitter  / NIPB on Facebook   / NIPB on Youtube 



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Please provide an update.

Yours sincerely,


NIPB FOI, Northern Ireland Policing Board


NIPB Ref: FOI 67/2024

This is to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail below dated 28 August 2024 which is receiving attention.


Data Protection / Compliance Officer

Northern Ireland Policing Board
James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA
Web:  / Read:  Policing Matters
NIPB on Twitter  / NIPB on Facebook   / NIPB on Youtube  

show quoted sections

Dear Northern Ireland Policing Board,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Northern Ireland Policing Board's handling of my FOI request 'Materials supplied to SMPs and IMRs between 2017 to 2023'.

This material was asked for in an email dated 23/06/2024. It was requested at the same time from both the DOJ and yourselves. Both public bodies ignored my request until I made an FOI request via this means. The DOJ provided some of the material well within the time limits.

This material is not contentious and should be published in full on the NIPB website for any applicants going through the IHR/IODA process.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,


NIPB FOI, Northern Ireland Policing Board


NIPB Ref: FOI 67/2024

This is to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail below dated 1 September 2024 which is receiving attention.


Data Protection / Compliance Officer

Northern Ireland Policing Board
James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA
Web:  / Read:  Policing Matters
NIPB on Twitter  / NIPB on Facebook   / NIPB on Youtube  

show quoted sections

Magee, William, Northern Ireland Policing Board

7 Attachments

  • Attachment

    FOI 67 2024 Cover letter.PDF.pdf

    169K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    FOI 67 2024 Response.PDF.pdf

    125K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    FOI 67 2024 FOI COPY Joint NIPB DOJ Guidance for Medical Practitioners on IOD Awards version 2 September 2016.PDF.pdf

    1.3M Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    FOI 67 2024 Copy policy on the assessment of degree of disablement 2006 Regulations V3.PDF.pdf

    250K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    FOI 67 2024 End to End Process Map 2006 Injury on Duty IOD Scheme revised August 2023 1.PDF.pdf

    184K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    FOI 67 2024 ITEM 3 Redacted copy Implications of McKee Others v The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.PDF.pdf

    438K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    FOI 67 2024 Public Interest Test.PDF.pdf

    97K Download View as HTML


NIPB Ref: FOI 67/2024

Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board.


Data Protection / Compliance Officer

Northern Ireland Policing Board
James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA
Web:  / Read:  Policing Matters
NIPB on Twitter  / NIPB on Facebook   / NIPB on Youtube  


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #1151917 email]

Is [Northern Ireland Policing Board request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Northern Ireland Policing Board? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest advice from the ICO:

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


Dear Northern Ireland Policing Board,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Northern Ireland Policing Board's handling of my FOI request 'Materials supplied to SMPs and IMRs between 2017 to 2023'.

You have not answered my FOI.

Please provide me the following in relation to the four requests I made:

1 There is more material that were provided to SMPs and IMRs during this time period. You are withholding material. You haven’t even addressed the training provided to both SMP and IMRs.

3 This is a new process map and not the one in operation from 2020. Please provide the process map covering the period from 2020 to 2023.

4 “The respondent relied upon the decision of the Court of Appeal in McKee & Hughes v The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland [2020] NICA 13 in support of the proposition that the NIPB must retain an ultimate oversight role over the medical authorities taking decisions on its behalf. I do not consider this authority to provide any material assistance in the present circumstances or to represent an apt analogy.”

The redactions in this matter are not appropriate. None of them are. The arguments to keep them redacted are not appropriate. None of them are.

Please ensure this entire decision is reviewed and ensure that it is completed within the appropriate timescales.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,


Dear Magee, William,

Please confirm the date your received my request for an internal review.

Please confirm when the NIPB will provide the full answer to those requests made off them.

Yours sincerely,


NIPB FOI, Northern Ireland Policing Board


NIPB Ref: 67/2024

We acknowledge receipt of your e-mail below dated 8 October 2024. 

We can confirm that we received your Internal Review on 18 September 2024.

The Board is continuing to progress your internal review and will
endeavour to complete it by 5 November 2024.

Please note however, we are experiencing a high volume of requests at
present and with limited staffing resources this may impact on our ability
to respond within the timeframe.

Compliance Officer

Northern Ireland Policing Board

James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA

Web:  / Read:  Policing Matters

NIPB on Twitter  / NIPB on Facebook   / NIPB on Youtube 

show quoted sections


Please provide an update regarding this matter. The deadline you set has not been met.

Yours sincerely,