Master's degree in Public International Law 2005
Dear London School of Economics,
the potential new German Chancellor, Annalena Baerbock, has graduated from your University with a "Master's degree in Public International Law" in 2005. Her opponents are using the ambiguity of this term and the differences between UK and German Universities to run a campaign to discredit her - it would therefore be useful if relevant information about the degree programme would be in the public domain (not about her as a person).
Could you therefore please provide for this cohort (graduated 2005)
- programme specifications of this programme
- module descriptors for relevant modules (or comparable data)
- relevant QA data (not the actual reports - just what QA was in place)
- Whether dissertation titles and theses are available from LSE library
- fees and admission requirements
Yours faithfully,
Sam O'Hare
Please note that this inbox will not be monitored until Tuesday 4th May
Thank you for your email. As you will appreciate, information requests
place additional demands on the School in terms of costs and staff time.
At present we are having to prioritise our finite resources in order to
meet the unprecedented challenges we are facing during the Coronavirus
(COVID-19) pandemic. As such, we need to advise you that while we will
continue to process individual requests, you may experience some delay in
our response during the current pandemic.
Dear Sam
Further to your recent FoI request, the Schools response in relation to
the LLM cohort that graduated in 2005 is provided below:
Q1- programme specifications of the LLM programme
A1 - Please refer to the LSE School Calendar (links below) and the
attached document containing key extracts:
All LSE Calendars: [1]
2004-5 Calendar:
2005-6 Calendar:
The information published on our website at the time is available here:
Please Note: If students took courses which fell within a specialist area
they could request that the chosen specialism was included in the name of
the degree awarded (e.g. LLM Public International Law). The recognised
specialist areas for the LLM Public International Law include:
o LL423 - International Law: Theory and Practice
o LL484 - International Environmental Law
o LL451 - International Law of the Sea
o LL461 - United Nations Law
o LL410 - The Law and Policy of International Courts and Tribunals
o LL454 - Human Rights of Women
o LL410 - International Law and the Protection of Refugees, Displaced
Persons and Migrants
o LL422 - Globalisation, Regulation and Governance
o LL409 - Human Rights in the Developing World
o LL445 - International Criminal Law
o LL447 - International Economic Law
o LL452 - International Law of Armed Conflict and the Use of Force
o LL453 - International Protection of Human Rights
o LL475 - Terrorism and the Rule of Law
Q2- module descriptors for relevant modules
A2 - Please refer to the LSE School Calendar (links above) and the
attached document containing the relevant module numbers for the
descriptors in the respective Calendars (two examples of the descriptors
are provided in the attached document).
Please note that students undertake the equivalent of four full courses
(some courses are half units). As part of the LLM programme, all students
must complete a substantial piece of writing. This requirement can be
satisfied in various ways, for example by completing a full unit taught
course which is formally assessed entirely by dissertation, or by
following a full unit taught course and electing to be examined by
dissertation. Dissertations are typically 15,000 words long.
Q3- relevant QA data (not the actual reports - just what QA was in place)
A3 - While there was no single QA manual available during this period,
please refer to the Calendars (links above) which contain information
about LSE governance at this time. This includes the Terms of Reference
for Academic Board; APRC; Student Affairs Committee; USSC and GSSC;
School Board; and WP Steering Group, all of which would have been
responsible for the generic QA arrangements in place at the time.
Q4- Whether dissertation titles and theses are available from LSE library
A4 - While PhD thesis are deposited in the LSE Library, digitised and made
publicly available online here ([6] master’s
dissertations are not publicly available. As Annalena Baerbock was a
master’s student, her master’s dissertation is not available.
Q5- fees and admission requirements
A5 - Standard home/EU fee for the LLM in 2004 was £7,782.
A5 - Standard criteria for graduate study at LSE in 2004 included
considering students who have received a Vordiplom with an additional year
of study.
If you think that the information provided does not meet your request,
contact Rachael Maguire on 020 7849 4622 or write to Louise Nadal, School
Secretary, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton
Street, London, WC2A 2AE. We will then review the response to your request
and get back to you within 20 working days. You can also contact the
Information Commissioner's Office [7], though they
expect the internal review to be carried out before receiving a complaint
The provision of information by the LSE under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 does not imply a right to copy, reproduce publish or otherwise
use such information. Copying or reproducing such information in any way
either in whole or in part without prior written consent may be an
infringement of copyright or other intellectual property right belonging
to the LSE or a third party.
Best Wishes,
Dr Paul R. Duller
Data Protection Officer (Interim)
The London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton Street | London | WC2A 2AE
Thank you for your email. As you will appreciate, information requests
place additional demands on the School in terms of costs and staff time.
At present we are having to prioritise our finite resources in order to
meet the unprecedented challenges we are facing during the Coronavirus
(COVID-19) pandemic. As such, we need to advise you that while we will
continue to process individual requests, you may experience some delay in
our response during the current pandemic.
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