Mao's China / Stalin's Russia - Destroying families where parents complain.

Sophie Rises made this Freedom of Information request to Leeds City Council This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Leeds City Council,

Reported across mainstream media is Lord Justice's Outrage at how social workers are destroying loving families. The Daily mail article is reproduced below:

It states:

"Social workers behaved like officials in 'Stalin's Russia or Mao's China' in attempting to remove children from loving mothers, senior judges have said."

In researching whether Social Workers are behaving like something out of Mao's China or Stalin's Russia I ask the following information:

1. Since April 2009 How many parents made complaints regarding your Children and Family Services?

2. Of the complainants identified in question 1. how many of them were:

a. Subject to Care Proceedings prior to making a complaint
b. Became subject to Care Proceedings subsequent to making a
complaint within 28 days of making the complaint.
c. Became subject to Care Proceedings after the complaint had been resolved.

3. Of the complainants identified in question 2b. How many
applications for a s31 Order were made in the County Court (rather than the magistrate Court eg. due to complexity)

4. Of the complainants identified in 3. how many had NOT been convicted of a crime against their children which would have resulted in an automatic bar from working with children in accordance with the regulations of the Independent Safeguarding Authority.

5. Of those complainants identified in 4. how many had children with 'unremarkable' health assessments ie. where the children's health and development was in line with expectation for their age.

6. Of those complainants identified in 5. How many were refused assessment with their children in a Residential Assessment Centre or with a psychologist under s38.6 of the Children Act 1989?

7. Of the children of the complainants identified in 6. How many became subject to a S31 Order?

8. Of the children identified in question 7 how many became subject to a permanent placement order?

9. Of the children identified in question 8. how many times had the social worker who commenced care proceedings met the children before commencing care proceedings?

Yours faithfully,

Sophie Rises

CS Freedom of Information, Leeds City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Sophie

Thank you for your freedom of information request. Please find attached acknowledgement letter.

Yours sincerely

Ann S Taylor
Legal Officer
Property & Finance
Legal Licensing and Registration
Leeds City Council
Tel. 0113 2474602
Fax 0113 2474651
e-mail [Leeds City Council request email]

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SS Info Gov, Leeds City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Rises
FOI 5093

I am writing to confirm that the Council has now completed its search for
the information you requested on the 24^th January 2011. Please see the
attached document for our answers.

Please contact me if you require any further information, quoting the
reference number above.


Lorna Murray
Information Compliance Administrator
Adult Social Care
Leeds City Council
0113 3951565

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