Mandatory TM44 Air Conditioning Inspection Reports
Dear Queen Mary’s College,
This request relates to UK Legislation, specifically TM44 Air Conditioning Inspections.
Q. Are you responsible for any buildings with more than 12kw of air conditioning present?
Q. Who is the responsible person for ensuring that your buildings are inspected and reports lodged, please provide the name, address, email address and direct telephone number of the responsible person.
Q. If your TM44 Air Conditioning Inspection Certificates are in place, what is their expiry date?
Q. What was the order value of the works placed with the Company who undertook the work?
Q. How many Certificates were produced?
Q. Was the TM44 Inspector independent as required under the Regulations?
Q. Name of the Inspector or Organisation.
Yours faithfully,
Scott Davies
Dear Scott
Thank you for your enquiry, unfortunately, due to staff holidays and college closure we are not able to provide this information at present. We will respond in September.
Many thanks.
Janet Hancey
Student Information Manager
Mon – Thur 8.30am – 5.00pm
Queen Mary's College
01256 417519 - Exams office direct line
01256 417500 - Main Switchboard
Dear Mr Davies
Thank you for your email. Apologies for not responding sooner, but we
operate on a skeleton staff over the summer holidays. Please see answers
to your queries below.
This request relates to UK Legislation, specifically TM44 Air Conditioning
Q. Are you responsible for any buildings with more than 12kw of air
conditioning present? YES
Q. Who is the responsible person for ensuring that your buildings are
inspected and reports lodged, please provide the name, address, email
address and direct telephone number of the responsible person. PREMISES
Q. If your TM44 Air Conditioning Inspection Certificates are in place,
what is their expiry date? 2018
Q. What was the order value of the works placed with the Company who
undertook the work? C£6k
Q. How many Certificates were produced? One for the Premises
Q. Was the TM44 Inspector independent as required under the Regulations?
Q. Name of the Inspector or Organisation. CC SOUTHERN
With kind regards
Janet Hancey
Queen Mary's College
01256 417519 - Exams office direct line
01256 417500 - Main Switchboard
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