Mandate vs Law

Waiting for an internal review by Northern Ireland Law Commission of their handling of this request.

Dear Northern Ireland Law Commission,
What information have you got on the differences between mandates and the actual law?
If mandates aint the law how can mandates be enforced?
The new mask exemption mandate says the person must state what their exemption is. But we've got privacy laws and GDPR laws that says we don't need to state medical issues
So what information have you got on the legalities of the new mask date exemption ?

If we're innocent until proven guilty what information on why we the people must prove they're medical exempt? The mandate says we're guilty and must prove our innocents

Yours faithfully,

Adrian McErlean

Dear Northern Ireland Law Commission,
You should of replied to my FOI request by the 26th.

Yours faithfully,

Adrian McErlean