Management of Corporate Estates and Maintenance

Marta Nass made this Freedom of Information request to Chichester College Group Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Northbrook College Group,

I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, the following information regarding your facilities management approach:
• How are facilities management services (hard FM, soft FM or TFM) handled across your estates?
- If any services are outsourced, which services and to which suppliers?
- What are the start dates and durations of these contracts, including the end date, and which services are included in each?
- What are the values of the contracts?
- Is there an extension clause in the contract(s) and if so, what is the duration of the extension?
- Has a decision been made yet on whether the contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?
- What is the job title of the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for the contract(s)?
• Do you utilise any outsourced helpdesk or FM integrator services? If so, with which supplier(s)?
• Which software solution(s) are used to manage your corporate property/assets including facilities management (CAFM)?

Yours faithfully,

Marta Nass

CHI Dropbox:, Chichester College Group

Dear Marta,

I write to acknowledge your Freedom of Information Act request made to Chichester College Group (which includes Northbrook College) on 13/05/2024. Your request has been allocated an internal reference of FOI2114.

We are currently considering your request in line with the relevant legislation and will provide a response within 20 working days: you can therefore expect to receive a response by no later than 11 June 2024.

Should you have any questions with regards to your request in the meantime, please contact the Information Governance team by emailing [CCG request email].

Hope this finds you well.

Yours Sincerely,

Mike Kemp
Information Governance Manager
Chichester College Group, Westgate Fields, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1SB
Telephone: 01243 786321 ext. 2740​
Email: [email address]

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CHI Dropbox:, Chichester College Group

Dear Marta,

Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request made to Chichester College Group on 13 May 2024. We have now had the opportunity to review your request in line with the relevant legislation.

You asked us to provide information on our facilities management, as well as the details of any outsourced services and their respective contracts with the Group.

Please find the response to your request as set out below: please note that some of our responses have been withheld under the exemption provided for by s43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (commercial interests).

• How are facilities management services (hard FM, soft FM or TFM) handled across your estates?
Most of the FM services are undertaken in-house, except as set out in response to the below question.

- If any services are outsourced, which services and to which suppliers?
Cleaning – Nviro ; Security – Advanced Guarding ; M&E – Paine Manwaring

- What are the start dates and durations of these contracts, including the end date, and which services are included in each?
Exemption under Section 43(2) applied.

- What are the values of the contracts?
Exemption under Section 43(2) applied.

- Is there an extension clause in the contract(s) and if so, what is the duration of the extension?
Exemption under Section 43(2) applied.

- Has a decision been made yet on whether the contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?
Exemption under Section 43(2) applied.

- What is the job title of the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for the contract(s)?
The Director of Estates is responsible for these contracts.

• Do you utilise any outsourced helpdesk or FM integrator services? If so, with which supplier(s)?
Quemis is used for our helpdesk functions.

• Which software solution(s) are used to manage your corporate property/assets including facilities management (CAFM)?
There is no CAFM system in place.

If you have any further questions with regards to this request or the way in which Chichester College Group handle Freedom of Information requests, please email our information governance team via [CCG request email].

If you are unhappy with the way your request has been handled, you should contact the information governance team at [CCG request email] and we will refer your request for review by a senior member of the Group who was not involved in the original consideration of your request. If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint to Chichester College Group, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office; we are registered as a data controller under registration number Z4919601.

Hope this finds you well.

Yours Sincerely,

Mike Kemp
Information Governance Manager
Chichester College Group, Westgate Fields, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1SB
Telephone: 01243 786321 ext. 2740​
Email: [email address]

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