Dear NHS England,

I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, the following information regarding NHS Improvement facilities management approach:
- How are facilities management services (hard FM, soft FM or TFM) handled across your estates?
- If any services are outsourced, which services and to which suppliers?
- What are the start dates and durations of these contracts, including the end date, and which services are included in each?
- What are the values of the contracts?
- Is there an extension clause in the contract(s) and if so, what is the duration of the extension?
- Has a decision been made yet on whether the contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?
- What is the job title of the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for the contract(s)?
- Do you utilise any outsourced helpdesk or FM integrator services? If so, with which supplier(s)?
- Which software solution(s) are used to manage your corporate property/assets including facilities management (CAFM)?

Yours faithfully,

Marta Nass


Dear Marta Nass,

Thank you for your email of 11 June 2024 in which you requested
information under the FOI Act from NHS England.

Your request was:

“I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of
Information Act, the following information regarding NHS Improvement
facilities management approach:

- How are facilities management services (hard FM, soft FM or TFM) handled
across your estates?

- If any services are outsourced, which services and to which suppliers?

- What are the start dates and durations of these contracts, including the
end date, and which services are included in each?

- What are the values of the contracts?

- Is there an extension clause in the contract(s) and if so, what is the
duration of the extension?

- Has a decision been made yet on whether the contract(s) are being either
extended or renewed?

- What is the job title of the senior officer (outside of procurement)
responsible for the contract(s)?

- Do you utilise any outsourced helpdesk or FM integrator services? If so,
with which supplier(s)?

- Which software solution(s) are used to manage your corporate
property/assets including facilities management (CAFM)?” 


NHS England does not hold the information you have requested.

It may help if we first explain that NHS England is not the same as ‘the
NHS in England’. The NHS in England is not a single organisation but is
made up of a range of organisations such as Hospitals, [1]Integrated Care
Boards (ICBs), and Ambulance Trusts.


Information on the types of information NHS England holds can be found on
our [2]website and [3]publication scheme. For further information on the
NHS, its structure and other NHS organisations please refer to the
[4] web page.


NHS England does not hold direct contracts for any of the listed services.
We are tenants in all sites that we occupy, so our landlords (or building
managers appointed by landlords such as the Department of Health and
Social Care or NHS Property Services) hold these types of contracts. The
services are then billed to us as a percentage of our occupied space, as
part of the rates/service charge. 


Further his information may be held by the [5]Department of Health and
Social Care (DHSC), whom you can contact via [6]their website, or from
[7]NHS Property Services, who can be equally contacted [8]via their


Review rights

If you consider that your request for information has not been properly
handled or if you are otherwise dissatisfied with the outcome of your
request, you may seek an internal review within NHS England of the issue
or the decision. A senior member of NHS England’s staff, who has not
previously been involved with your request, will undertake that review.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of any internal review, you may
[9]complain to the Information Commissioner for a decision on whether your
request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the FOI

A request for an internal review should be submitted in writing
to [10][NHS England request email].

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information
NHS England

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