Management information from joint DWP / UKBA review of 22,000 benefit awards regarding immigration status
Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
I understand that there was a joint exercise between DWP and UKBA whose purpose was to confirm the immigration status of 22,000 benefit recipients. I understand that DWP wrote to these recipients between 3 September 2012 and 5 November 2012 requesting copies of their passport/Biometric Residence Permit or to contact UKBA.
I would be grateful if you could send me any management information about this exercise (eg how many of the claimants had their benefit suspended and for how long, how many had their benefit terminated, how many appealed or other similar information).
Any information held about results by the nationality of the claimants concerned is also requested.
Please also disclose any AAC targets or other performance measures used for this project.
Yours faithfully,
Martin Williams
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