Managed Print Services

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council,

Please find a request for information regarding your organisations' printers/printing devices/associated contracts.

I would be grateful if you could reply to the questions below.

Q1. Companies awarded?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics

Q2. Length of contract/s and end dates?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics

Q3. Number of devices?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics

Q4. Annual print/copy volume
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics

Q5. Annual spend?
a. Photocopiers/MFDs
b. Printers
c. Print room / reprographics

Q6. Details on how these were procured. i.e. By Framework
a. Procurement method
b. If Framework, please state which one.

Q7. Do you have any print management software? If so, which software?

Q8. Do they supply you with any scanning software (additional to the software native to the device)?

Q9. What Document Management solution/s do you currently use within your organization?

Q10. Who are the procurement & business/IT contacts within your organization responsible for the decision on MFD's and the contract(s)? What is their job title, and their contact telephone & email details?

Yours faithfully,

jonathan Fallon

Lydia Kitchen, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Fallon


Please find attached our acknowledgment in respect of your Freedom of
Information Request.


Kind regards,


Lydia Kitchen


Information Governance Officer

CMBC Legal & Democratic Services

Town Hall

Crossley Street




Tel: 01422 392481



show quoted sections

Lydia Kitchen, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Fallon


Please find attached our response in respect of your Freedom of
Information Request.


Kind regards,


Lydia Kitchen


Information Governance Officer

CMBC Legal & Democratic Services

Town Hall

Crossley Street




Tel: 01422 392481



show quoted sections