The Oast
The Oast
Trinity House
Our Ref: FOI/7530
Unit D, Hermitage Court
Unit D, Hermitage Court
110 - 120 Upper Pemberton
Date: 11 September 2017
Hermitage Lane
Hermitage Lane
Eureka Business Park
Louise Stallard
ME16 9NT
ME16 9NT
TN25 4AZ
Tel: 01622 211900
Tel: 01622 211900
Tel: 01233 667700
Fax: 01233 667954
Dear Ms Stallard
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act
Thank you for your email dated 14 August 2017 requesting information about multi-
function devices and printers.
Please find detailed below your original request and our response.
Original Request:
Please confirm if you are in contract for a fully outsourced managed print
The Trust is in contract for a managed print service (provision of devices and
software package).
Does this include Multi-Functional Devices (MFDs) and printers?
The contract includes MFDs.
Please confirm contract number title/reference on Contracts finder or OJEU ref number on
MFDs were originally purchased under CCS Framework, reference RM1599.
Please confirm date from and date to of contract awarded and what
extensions if any.
The Framework agreement expired at the end of December 2016. Due to the
staggered mobilisation of a 3 year term the last of the models will still be in
original term/lease until Mid-2018.
Please confirm who the contract was awarded to.
The contract was awarded to XMA.
Please confirm the name or job role of the employee that is responsible
for the contract management of the printer estate for your organisation.
Natalie Davies, Corporate Services Director has overall responsibility for multi-
function devices. Gordon Flack, Finance Director has overall responsibility for
printers, procurement and contract management.
Chairman David Griffiths
Chief Executive Paul Bentley
Trust HQ The Oast, Unit D, Hermitage Court, Hermitage Lane,
Barming, Nr Maidstone, Kent ME16 9NT
Rating: GOOD
Please confirm if you currently reclaim the VAT on the managed service
Yes the Trust does reclaim the VAT on the managed service contract.
Please confirm the current Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) in place and
whether these SLA’s have been met over the last 12 months.
MFDs were procured under CCS Framework, reference RM1599. There is no
overarching Service Level Agreement but we can confirm that the general terms
and conditions under the purchase orders for each MFD have been met over
the last 12 months.
Please confirm if you intend to go out to tender next time or call off an
existing framework. If so, which one?
The Trust will call off an existing framework, RM3781.
How many MFDs do you have?
The Trust has 153 MFD’s.
What is the annual spend on MFDs – including lease costs, consumables,
costs per click and service charges?
The Trust’s annual spend on MFD’s, including lease costs, consumables, costs
per click and service charges is £375,000.
How many printers do you have?
The Trust has 251 printers.
What is the annual spend on printers – including lease costs,
consumables, costs per click and service charges?
The Trust’s annual spend on printers including consumables, costs per click
and service charges is £30,207. The Trust has no printers on lease.
What is the annual spend on toners outside of any contract that is in place
with a 3rd party?
The annual spend on toners outside of any contract is £30,200.
Please confirm the annual volumes of mono and colour prints.
The annual volume of mono print is 13,591,755.
The annual volume of colour print is 4,079,344
How much time a month does the IT team spend on printer queries from
end users?
The Trust does not record the time spent on support calls, therefore we are
unable to provide you with the information requested.
Do you have any mobile print capabilities?
No, the Trust does not have any mobile print capabilities.
Do you have any secure print capabilities?
Yes, the MFDs do have secure print capabilities.
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What print management software do you use across the organisation?
The Trust uses Papercut print management software.
What remote monitoring software do you use across the organisation?
The remote monitoring software used by the Trust is Nagios XI.
How many locations do you have?
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust provides wide-ranging NHS
care for people in the community, in a range of settings including people’s own
homes; nursing homes; health clinics; community hospitals; minor injury units
and in mobile units. This means we operate out of around 970 locations. Our
main locations such as admin offices and community hospitals account for
around 120 locations. However the majority of these locations are owned by
NHS Property Services (the landlord). The Trust only has 3 properties under its
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for
an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of
the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to:
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to
apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, and Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely
Martine Saker
Freedom of Information Act Team
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust copyright
Re-Use of Information
Any information we provide following your request under the Freedom of Information
Act will not confer an automatic right for you to re-use that information, for example, to
publish it.
If you wish to re-use the information that we provide and you do not specify this in your
initial application for information then you must make a further request for its re-use as
per the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 . This
will not affect your initial information request. If you wish to re-use any third party
copyright material we have identified you will need to obtain permission from the
copyright holders. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to
us at the address above.
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