Managed Migration Enhanced Support
Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Firstly, the document 'Check for reasons not to terminate a migrating legacy benefit Move to UC' released in response to FOI2024 10504 refers to a 'complex case coach'.
Please provide any guidance etc on -
a) when a claimant should be referred to a complex case coach during the managed migration process
b) how a complex case coach should determine whether termination action can be taken / how the claimant should be assisted during the move to uc process
Secondly, the documents 'DWP benefit claimants Contacting a claimant following enhanced support checks', 'Identifying enhanced support needs for Move to Universal Credit', and 'Claimant journey overview and no claim scenarios' were all released in response to IC-227223-J2S8 and IR2022 19791.
Please provide updated versions of these documents for current and future cohorts chosen for managed migration. If there are not updated versions of these documents (or if there are documents that better fit the request), please provide any guidance etc on -
c) what happens when a claimant chosen for managed migration is identified as having enhanced support needs
d) how are claimants chosen for managed migration identified as having enhanced support needs
e) what happens when a claimant who is chosen for managed migration does not make a claim for UC by their final deadline
Yours faithfully,
Rachel Service
Dear Rachel Service,
Please find attached a response to your request for information, received
9th May.
Yours sincerely,
DWP Central FOI Team
Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Department for Work and Pensions's handling of my FOI request 'Managed Migration Enhanced Support'.
I asked for updated versions of 'DWP benefit claimants Contacting a claimant following enhanced support checks', 'Identifying enhanced support needs for Move to Universal Credit', and 'Claimant journey overview and no claim scenarios'. If these have not been updated I asked for guidance that answers the questions 'what happens when a claimant chosen for managed migration is identified as having enhanced support needs' and 'how are claimants chosen for managed migration identified as having enhanced support needs'.
I agree that the document given provides an overview that answers the first question but it is clearly an overview for staff who are not involved in the actual process (or is a brief introduction for those that are). The documents that I asked for an update of were aimed at staff actually dealing with these claimants - I believe that to properly fulfil my request you should have provided documents currently being used by staff dealing with claimants who have enhanced support needs (ie deciding that they should be called / arranging a home visit / deciding whether their claim should be closed etc).
I do not think that the document provided answers the second question. Again it gives a brief overview but does not adequately replace the documents mentioned.
Please provide guidance documents currently being used by staff making decisions about claimants who are manage migrating. Specifically -
1) Guidance used when they are identifying whether a claimant has enhanced support needs
2) Guidance used when they are making decisions about a claimant who has enhanced support needs (e.g., when to arrange phone calls / home visits, extend deadline etc)
3) Guidance used when deciding what to do when a claimant hasn't made a claim by their deadline
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Rachel Service
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Dear Rachel Service,
Please find attached a response to your request for information, received
14th June.
Yours sincerely,
DWP Central FOI Team
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