Malicious email volume

The request was partially successful.

Dear National Citizens Service Trust,

Please find below my FOI request regarding malicious emails sent to the department.

The date range for the requests is from 2018 to present day. The data shall include a breakdown by year and by individual departments (e.g. separate departments, agencies, or public bodies within the main government agency), if applicable.

1. How many malicious emails have been successfully blocked?
2. What percentage of malicious emails were opened by staff?
3. What percentage of malicious links in the emails were clicked on by staff?
4. How many ransomware attacks were blocked by the department?
5. How many ransomware attacks were successful?

Yours faithfully,
Rebecca Moody

NCS FoI, National Citizen Service Trust

Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for your email. We acknowledge your freedom of information
request and will respond to you within the 20 working day timeframe.
Should we require further clarification of your request from you or need
more time to respond we will let you know as soon as possible.
FOI Team

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NCS FoI, National Citizen Service Trust

Dear Rebecca,

Thank you for your freedom of information requested dated 11th November

Please find below our response for the date ranges as set out in your
request - from 2018 to present day. 

1. How many malicious emails have been successfully blocked?

Due to the varied nature of emails that may be identified as malicious,
outsourced services, and the various points at which these may be blocked,
we do not log unsuccessful attempts to deliver malicious emails.

2. What percentage of malicious emails were opened by staff?

Any malicious emails that had successfully bypassed controls and delivered
would not be known to be malicious and therefore unless this is reported
we cannot ascertain exactly how many were successfully delivered, opened
or interacted with by staff.  

3. What percentage of malicious links in the emails were clicked on by

Please see the above response.

4. How many ransomware attacks were blocked by the department?

Due to the varied nature of emails that may be identified as malicious,
outsourced services, and the various points at which these may be blocked
we do not log unsuccessful attempts to deliver malicious emails.

5. How many ransomware attacks were successful?

We do not have any recorded instances of successful ransomware attacks.

Next Steps


We hope the above response is clear. If you have any further queries
please do not hesitate to contact us on this email address.

NCS Trust is committed to making information available under the Freedom
Of Information Act 2000 and to ensuring that the service it provides for
those wishing to gain access to information is simple, efficient and
effective. If you feel the service you have received does not meet the
legislative requirements please write, giving details of your complaint,
by email to "[1][National Citizen Service Trust request email]" or, if you are contacting us by post,
by writing to the following address: National Citizen Service Trust, the
Pembroke Building, Avonmore Road, Kensington, London W14 8DG.

Your complaint will be fully investigated and treated confidentially by
NCS Trust. If your complaint is about a response to a request for
information, it will be dealt with by a member of staff at NCS Trust who
was not involved in the original decision. An initial response will be
made within 5 working days of receipt of the complaint. A full
investigation and any decision will be made and conveyed to you within 20
working days. If we are unable to deal with your complaint within this
timeframe we will inform you and let you know the reason for the delay.

If your complaint is upheld you will be notified of what action will be
taken. If the complaint is not upheld you will be given a reason for the
decision. If NCS Trust does not deal with your complaint to your
satisfaction, you are entitled to refer your complaint to:


The Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Yours sincerely,   


The NCS Trust Freedom Of Information Team

[3][National Citizen Service Trust request email]

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