Male victims of domestic abuse

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service CYMRU should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service CYMRU,

Please provide:

All policies that advise Cafcass Cymru FCAs on Male Victims of Domestic Abuse.

All policies that advise Cafcass Cymru FCAs on Female Victims of Domestic Abuse.

The Cafcass Cymru communications policy relating to how FCAs should manage communications with service users and a copy of the internal policy for handling cases where an FCA breaks policy.

The criteria and/or policy that an FCA must use to identify and determine that a service user presents as "Controlling & Coercive".

All policies relating to the requirements of Cafcass Cymru Family Court Advisors to undertake Continued Professional Development.

The percentage of FCAs that have failed to achieve the minimum requirements of CPD.

The number of complaints made during 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 by service users against Cafcass Cymru employess and contractors, the number of these complaints that have been upheld by Cafcass Cymru, and the number that were taken to the Ombudsman.

The percentage of Cafcass recommendations made by FCAs that support custody of children to Mothers.

Yours faithfully,

Tim Simms

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service CYMRU

Diolch am eich e-bost. Rydym yn cydnabod derbynneb. Cafcass Cymru Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth
Gymraeg. Cewch ateb Cymraeg i bob gohebiaeth Gymraeg ac ni fydd gohebu yn
Gymraeg yn arwain at oedi.

Thank you for your email. We acknowledge receipt. Cafcass Cymru We welcome correspondence in
Welsh. Correspondence received in Welsh will be answered in Welsh and
corresponding in Welsh will not involve any delay.

Sganiwyd y neges hon am bob feirws hysbys wrth iddi adael Llywodraeth
Cymru. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cymryd o ddifrif yr angen i ddiogelu eich
data. Os cysylltwch â Llywodraeth Cymru, mae ein [1]hysbysiad preifatrwydd
yn esbonio sut rydym yn defnyddio eich gwybodaeth a sut rydym yn diogelu
eich preifatrwydd. Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn
anfon ateb yn Gymraeg i ohebiaeth a dderbynnir yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd
gohebu yn Gymraeg yn arwain at oedi. On leaving the Welsh Government this
email was scanned for all known viruses. The Welsh Government takes the
protection of your data seriously. If you contact the Welsh Government
then our [2]Privacy Notice explains how we use your information and the
ways in which we protect your privacy. We welcome receiving correspondence
in Welsh. Any correspondence received in Welsh will be answered in Welsh
and corresponding in Welsh will not lead to a delay in responding.


Visible links
1. file:///tmp/”https:/”

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service CYMRU

2 Attachments

Dear Tim Simms


ATISN 18651


Thank you for your information request received on 26 June 2023.  You
asked for;


• All policies that advise Cafcass Cymru FCAs on Male Victims of
Domestic Abuse.
• All policies that advise Cafcass Cymru FCAs on Female Victims of
Domestic Abuse.
• The Cafcass Cymru communications policy relating to how FCAs should
manage communications with service users and a copy of the internal
policy for handling cases where an FCA breaks policy.
• The criteria and/or policy that an FCA must use to identify and
determine that a service user presents as "Controlling & Coercive".
• All policies relating to the requirements of Cafcass Cymru Family
Court Advisors to undertake Continued Professional Development.
• The percentage of FCAs that have failed to achieve the minimum
requirements of CPD.
• The number of complaints made during 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 by
service users against Cafcass Cymru employees and contractors, the
number of these complaints that have been upheld by Cafcass Cymru, and
the number that were taken to the Ombudsman.
• The percentage of Cafcass recommendations made by FCAs that support
custody of children to Mothers.


If this is not correct, please let me know. You will receive a response by
Tuesday 25^th July.  If you have any queries about this request, please
contact me at this email address. Please remember to quote the ATISN
reference number above in any future correspondence.


The request you sent me contains personal information about you - for
example, your name and address. The Welsh Government will be the data
processor for this information and, in accordance with the General Data
Protection Regulation, it will be processed in order to fulfil our public
task and meet our legal obligations under the Act to provide you with a
response. We will only use this personal information to deal with your
request and any matters which arise as a result of it. We will keep your
personal information and all other information relating to your request
for three years from the date on which your request is finally closed. 
Your personal information will then be disposed of securely.


Under data protection legislation, you have the right:  


•         to be informed of the personal data we hold about you and to
access it

•         to require us to rectify inaccuracies in that data

•         to (in certain circumstances) object to or restrict processing

•         for (in certain circumstances) your data to be ‘erased’

•         to (in certain circumstances) data portability

•         to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office
(ICO) who is our independent regulator for data protection


For further information about the information which the Welsh Government
holds and its use, or if you wish to exercise your rights under the GDPR,
please see contact details below:


Data Protection Officer

Welsh Government

Cathays Park         


CF10 3NQ

Email: [1]


The contact details for the Information Commissioner’s Office are:


Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Website: [2]


Any information released under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or
Environmental Information Regulations 2004 will be listed in the Welsh
Government’s Disclosure Log (at


Yours sincerely


Laura Butterworth



Laura Butterworth

Gwasanaethau Cymorth Canolog ║ Central Support Services
Cafcass Cymru ║ Cafcass Cymru  
Llywodraeth Cymru ║ Welsh Government 


Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth Gymraeg. Cewch ateb Cymraeg i bob gohebiaeth
Gymraeg ac ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn arwain at oedi.

We welcome correspondence in Welsh. Correspondence received in Welsh will
be answered in Welsh and corresponding in Welsh will not involve any

Mae'r e-bost hwn wedi'i fwriadu ar gyfer y derbynnydd(ion) yn unig a gall
gynnwys gwybodaeth gyfrinachol. Os ydych chi'n credu eich bod wedi derbyn
yr e-bost hwn mewn camgymeriad, a wnewch chi ei ddileu a hysbysu Cafcass
Cymru trwy anfon e-bost at [4] Ni ddylech gopïo,
defnyddio na datgelu cynnwys yr e-bost hwn heb ganiatâd Cafcass Cymru. I
ddarganfod sut mae Cafcass Cymru yn defnyddio ac yn storio gwybodaeth
bersonol, darllenwch ein [5]Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd

This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain
confidential information.  If you believe that you have received this
email in error, please delete it and notify Cafcass Cymru at
[6]  You should not copy, use or disclose the
content of this email without the consent of Cafcass Cymru.  To find out
how Cafcass Cymru uses and stores personal information, please read our
[7]Privacy Notice



Sganiwyd y neges hon am bob feirws hysbys wrth iddi adael Llywodraeth
Cymru. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cymryd o ddifrif yr angen i ddiogelu eich
data. Os cysylltwch â Llywodraeth Cymru, mae ein [8]hysbysiad preifatrwydd
yn esbonio sut rydym yn defnyddio eich gwybodaeth a sut rydym yn diogelu
eich preifatrwydd. Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn
anfon ateb yn Gymraeg i ohebiaeth a dderbynnir yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd
gohebu yn Gymraeg yn arwain at oedi. On leaving the Welsh Government this
email was scanned for all known viruses. The Welsh Government takes the
protection of your data seriously. If you contact the Welsh Government
then our [9]Privacy Notice explains how we use your information and the
ways in which we protect your privacy. We welcome receiving correspondence
in Welsh. Any correspondence received in Welsh will be answered in Welsh
and corresponding in Welsh will not lead to a delay in responding.


Visible links
8. file:///tmp/”https:/”

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service CYMRU

10 Attachments

ATISN 18651


Dear Tim Simms


Please see the attached letter and attachments responding to your recent
information request.  I include below the website links that are included
within the response:


[1]Domestic abuse information sheet | GOV.WALES


[2]Finding of fact hearings: practice guidance for Cafcass Cymru
practitioners | GOV.WALES


[3]Guidance for Cafcass Cymru practitioners about children experiencing
domestic abuse | GOV.WALES


[4]Children’s resistance or refusal to spend time with a parent: Cafcass
Cymru practice guidance | GOV.WALES


Yours sincerely


Graham Pickering


Graham Pickering

Cafcass Cymru

Llywodraeth Cymru ║ Welsh Government



Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth Gymraeg. Cewch ateb Cymraeg i bob gohebiaeth
Gymraeg ac ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn arwain at oedi.


We welcome correspondence in Welsh. Correspondence received in Welsh will
be answered in Welsh and corresponding in Welsh will not involve any


Mae'r e-bost hwn wedi'i fwriadu ar gyfer y derbynnydd(ion) yn unig a gall
gynnwys gwybodaeth gyfrinachol. Os ydych chi'n credu eich bod wedi derbyn
yr e-bost hwn mewn camgymeriad, a wnewch chi ei ddileu a hysbysu Cafcass
Cymru trwy anfon e-bost at [6] Ni ddylech gopïo,
defnyddio na datgelu cynnwys yr e-bost hwn heb ganiatâd Cafcass Cymru. I
ddarganfod sut mae Cafcass Cymru yn defnyddio ac yn storio gwybodaeth
bersonol, darllenwch ein [7]Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd.


This email is intended for the addressee(s) only and may contain
confidential information.  If you believe you have received this email in
error, please delete it and notify Cafcass Cymru at
[8]  You should not copy, use or disclose the
content of this email without the consent of Cafcass Cymru.  To find out
how Cafcass Cymru uses and stores personal information, please read our
[9]Privacy Notice



Sganiwyd y neges hon am bob feirws hysbys wrth iddi adael Llywodraeth
Cymru. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cymryd o ddifrif yr angen i ddiogelu eich
data. Os cysylltwch â Llywodraeth Cymru, mae ein [10]hysbysiad
preifatrwydd yn esbonio sut rydym yn defnyddio eich gwybodaeth a sut rydym
yn diogelu eich preifatrwydd. Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg.
Byddwn yn anfon ateb yn Gymraeg i ohebiaeth a dderbynnir yn Gymraeg ac ni
fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn arwain at oedi. On leaving the Welsh Government
this email was scanned for all known viruses. The Welsh Government takes
the protection of your data seriously. If you contact the Welsh Government
then our [11]Privacy Notice explains how we use your information and the
ways in which we protect your privacy. We welcome receiving correspondence
in Welsh. Any correspondence received in Welsh will be answered in Welsh
and corresponding in Welsh will not lead to a delay in responding.


Visible links
10. file:///tmp/”https:/”