Male female breakdown of undergraduate admissions by school
Dear University of Cambridge,
Please can you let me have a table showing the number of males and of females who applied and the number of each accepted from each secondary school to undergraduate study.
Please give as much information about the type of school as permitted by your systems, including but not limited to:
- comprehensive, grammar, independent
- singel sex, co-ed
- county, region, country etc
I would like this for the latest admissions cycle and as many previous years, ideally four at least, that is permitted within the allowance of time. I would like the table in excel not pdf.
Many thanks.
Yours faithfully,
Simon Briscoe
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information. Your reference number is given in the subject line of this email. We will respond on or before 8 January 2015.
Freedom of Information Office
University of Cambridge
Registrary's Office, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
T: (01223 7)64142
F: (01223 3)32332
E: [email address]
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response.
Freedom of Information Office
University of Cambridge
Registrary's Office, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
T: (01223 7)64142
F: (01223 3)32332
E: [email address]
Dear FOI,
Hello and thank you for your refusal.
It was my stupid mistake for framing the question in relation to the scope and cost rather than purely the scope. I was trying to be helpful and reduce the bureaucracy. I have found in the past that if the requester (me) and the institution (you) have a dialogue, I can get more for less of your effort. But I sense that is not how you like to work.
You say that you do not hold the information on whether a school is single sex or co-ed but does that mean you do hold info on the other aspects I raised, namely the county, region and country? And could you supply that? I am sure that you and your colleagues know all the UCAS centre codes and postcodes but the information you already publish could be made more useful to many others who do not have that knowledge by the addition of such information (and it is probably little effort to do so). Again I say that in the spirit of helpfulness as many of the institution names will be meaningless to many.
I am aware of the 60 day limit but surprised that you have chosen to use it to refuse this request. Many people would not consider the A levels of geography undergraduates (regardless of sex) to be quite the same topic as trying to understand the reasons for more males than females being accepted onto (all) your courses but that is your view. So, as you say, I can resubmit this request in a number of days when the 60 is up. Can you please tell me what date that will be? (My "working days" might not be the same as yours or the legal definition that you use.)
Should you or your colleagues decide that the publication of that data that I have requested (in excel format) would be a useful addition to what you publish in any case (I doubt I would be the only person interested) do let me know.
Best wishes,
Simon Briscoe
Dear Mr Briscoe,
Thank you for your email and apologies for the delay in the University’s
reply caused by office closures and successive staff absences over the
holiday period. We have noted your various comments; we understand that
you are not asking for an internal review of our handling of your request
at this stage.
This office has made enquiries as to whether the data could be supplied
with the addition of county and/or region and/or country. The database
used by the Cambridge Admissions Office includes the full postal address
of each UCAS apply centre across various fields; these fields do not
include ‘region’ but they do include ‘county’ and ‘country’ where either
or both of these have been entered. For avoidance of doubt, this
information is sent to the University by UCAS which in turn receives it
from each apply centre; accordingly, the address information held by the
University may not necessarily have been entered into the correct fields
and may, especially in the case of counties, be blank. Therefore, we
could supply information along the lines of the published tables entitled
“Applications, Offers & Acceptances by UCAS Apply Centre” published at
[1] for
the three most recent admissions cycles, broken down by gender and also
supplying additional columns showing county and country (along with
postcode) insofar as that information is held within the relevant fields.
By our calculations the date at which such a request could not be
aggregated with your previous request of 24 October 2014 for the purpose
of calculating the appropriate limit under the Fees Regulations expired
towards the end of December and hence you could make such a request now.
Freedom of Information Office
University of Cambridge
Registrary's Office, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
T: (01223 7)64142
F: (01223 3)32332
E: [2][email address]
Dear FOI,
Thank you very much for your helpful reply.
I would like to request the information you set out in your response of 13 January, namely
"...... we could supply information along the lines of the published tables entitled “Applications, Offers & Acceptances by UCAS Apply Centre” published at [1] for the three most recent admissions cycles, broken down by gender and also supplying additional columns showing county and country (along with postcode) insofar as that information is held within the relevant fields."
Many thanks and best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Simon Briscoe
This is to acknowledge receipt of your below request for information. Your reference number is given in the subject line of this email. We will respond on or before 12 February 2015.
Freedom of Information Office
University of Cambridge
Registrary's Office, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
T: (01223 7)64142
F: (01223 3)32332
E: [email address]
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response.
Freedom of Information Office
University of Cambridge
Registrary's Office, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
T: (01223 7)64142
F: (01223 3)32332
E: [email address]
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Paolo Ursino left an annotation ()
Request initially refused because scope and cost but subsequently allowed.