Magdalen College Investment Portfolio

The request was partially successful.

Dear Magdalen College, Oxford,

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act please provide me
with a list of companies or financial products the College
currently invests in through its endowment funds, along with the
amount invested in each, as an Excel spreadsheet.

Additionally, I request copies of minutes from meetings, or
correspondence within the finance office (or higher college
management) with regards to an ethical-investment policy.

If possible, I request both a hard (paper) copy of this information and a digital copy.

Yours faithfully,

John Phipps

Nancy Cowell, Magdalen College, Oxford

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Phipps,

Thank you for your enquiry. Please find attached a spreadsheet which
contains the relevant information which we are able to supply about the
College's equity investment portfolio. In respect of your enquiry about
an ethical investment policy, the terms of this are currently under
discussion at the College, and we anticipate agreement on these by the
Governing Body in December of this year. As soon as these terms are
agreed, we shall be happy to send them to you.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,
Mark Pobjoy

show quoted sections

Mrs Nancy Cowell
College Secretary/Academic Administrator
Magdalen College, Oxford OX1 4AU
Tel: 01865 276113; Fax: 01865 276094
[Magdalen College request email]

Magdalen College is a Registered Charity, No.1142149