LSE BSc Accounting and Finance
Dear London School of Economics,
I would like to request to have available the data for LSE BSc A&F.
1) The average IB predicted score for all BSc A&F candidates in the last 3 academic years.
2) The average IB predicted score for successful candidates, i.e. who got offers, for BSc A&F in the last 3 academic years.
3) The percentage of successful IB candidates for A&F, who also took High Level maths in the last 2 academic years.
Thank you for your answers.
Yours faithfully,
Tomas Tham
Dear Tomas,
Due to their similar subject matter, the School will be aggregating your request with request [email address].
Rachael Maguire
Records Manager
London School of Economics
Dear GLPD.Info.Rights,
Thank you for your reply. I look forward to your answers.
Yours sincerely,
Tomas Tham
Dear Tomas,
I've been asked by colleagues for clarification regarding your request. Firstly, is this data request for Home or Overseas applicants (or both)?
1) The amount of IB offers for BSc A&F for the past 2 years from total offers
2) The amount of IB accepted offers for BSc A&F for the past 2 years from total offers
We are not sure what 'total offers' means in this context? Do you want a ratio compared to all offers made across the School?
Please note that the IB data is patchy and averages are meaningless in this context. We hold the data but due to missing data it will not be reliable. Do you still want the information relating to this?
We will continue processing your request once you have provided clarification.
Dear Rachel,
I'd like to clarify that the data request is for both Home and Overseas applicants.
With 'total offers', I was referring to the total offers made for A&F. Let's say LSE gave out 250 A&F offers last year. 250 is the number of total offers for A&F; not for the entire school. I'm interested to know how many of those 250 offers were given to IB students in the entire world.
Since I'm an IB student, I'd like to see how previously successful students performed in terms of their predicted grades among other things listed in the previous letters. What do you mean the IB data is patchy? Are there not enough IB applicants to make reliable data?
Regardless, I'd still like to see them, just to get an idea of how things occurred in the past.
Thank you for helping me,
Yours sincerely,
Tomas Tham
Dear Tomas,
With reference to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, please find attached the information you requested. I apologise for the late response and hope this has not inconvenienced you.
Please note:
• Points 1) and 2) are covered on sheet 01 of the attached
• Points 3) to 8) inclusive are covered on sheet 02. Please note that the qualifications data is patchy, so these represent the most complete and accurate data set we can extract from our system.
• Point 11) is covered on sheet 03
• Point 16) is covered on sheet 04
• Point 17) is covered on sheet 05
• Point 19) is covered on sheet 06.
• Points 1) to 3) inclusive of the second query are covered on sheet 07. The same caveat as above regarding the patchiness of qualifications data applies.
Re question 9, no, the standard offer is 38 (666 HL) in IB or AAA at A-Level – all applicants receive the same offer.
Re question 10, the standard offers for BSc Accounting and Finance are:
A-Level = AAA
IB = 38 (666)
At UG Level, every applicant receives the same offer so the answer is ‘zero’.
Re question 12, no. Each applicant to LSE is considered on his/her merit and in competition with the rest of the applicant cohort in a given admissions cycle. Each application is viewed holistically; assessing the merit, potential, motivation, skills and qualities of applicants by considering all the information presented on the application form. This includes, but is not limited to, academic achievements and qualifications. The personal statement, academic reference and additional social and educational contextual data also form an important part of the selection process. The date an application is received has no influence on the decision making process.
Re question 13, Yes, early offers are (de facto) made to early applications.
Re question 14, no. Each applicant to LSE is considered on his/her merit and in competition with the rest of the applicant cohort in a given admissions cycle. Each application is viewed holistically; assessing the merit, potential, motivation, skills and qualities of applicants by considering all the information presented on the application form. This includes, but is not limited to, academic achievements and qualifications. The personal statement, academic reference and additional social and educational contextual data also form an important part of the selection process.
Question 15 and 20 are asking for an opinion, not information so are not valid for a Freedom of Information request.
Re question 18, the answer is no.
Re Question 21, staff leave is exempt from release under Section 40(2), personal information as staff would not expect this information to be released.
Please note also: Each applicant to LSE is considered on his/her merit and in competition with the rest of the applicant cohort in a given admissions cycle. Each application is viewed holistically; assessing the merit, potential, motivation, skills and qualities of applicants by considering all the information presented on the application form. This includes, but is not limited to, academic achievements and qualifications. The personal statement, academic reference and additional social and educational contextual data also form an important part of the selection process. For more information on exactly what contextual information is used in the admissions decision making process please refer to the Undergraduate Admissions Policy.
If you think that the information provided does not meet your request, contact me on 020 7849 4622 or write to Louise Nadal, School Secretary, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE. We will then review the response to your request and get back to you within 20 working days. You can also contact the Information Commissioner's Office, though they expect the internal review to be carried out before receiving a complaint directly.
The provision of information by the LSE under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 does not imply a right to copy, reproduce publish or otherwise use such information.
Copying or reproducing such information in any way either in whole or in part without prior written consent may be an infringement of copyright or other intellectual property right belonging to the LSE or a third party.
Yours sincerely,
Rachael Maguire
Records Manager
London School of Economics
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