Looked After Children Emergency Accomodation

The request was successful.

Dear Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council,

Please could you let me know the answers to these questions in relation to emergency accomodation for children who are looked after by the council.

1. Please provide the team structure of the Children & Families Commissioning Team, including but not limited to the names of Head of Childen's Commissioning and the Commissiong Manager for Looked After Children.

2. Please provide the team structure of the Placements Team ( Sometimes called the Brokerage Team) including but not limited to the names of the Placements Team Manager, Service Manager and Head of Service..

3. Please provide the name of the Looked After Children Team's Head of Service.

Thank you so much and I look forward to your reply.

James King

Freedom of Information, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear Mr King,

Thank you for your email received on 24 August 2022 requesting information about looked after children emergency accommodation.

Please note you can now log a Freedom of Information request on our online portal on the following link https://www.knowsley.gov.uk/your-council...

I have recorded your request for information under reference F2022.08.5787.

This has been passed to the relevant service and you will receive a response by 21 September 2022.

In line with guidance published by the Information Commissioner’s Office, the council may make a charge for the provision of information – for example in order to cover the costs of postage (in line with the relevant postal charges) or charges for printing and copying (which will reflect photocopying charges levied by the council’s public libraries) or if this falls within the regulations of an EIR (Environmental Information).

You will be informed if a fee is to be applied before information is to be provided.

Kind regards,

Customer Liaison Team
Knowsley Council
Archway Road
L36 9UX

show quoted sections

Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Your FOI request has been completed

Dear James King

Your FOI with Reference Number : 5787 has been completed please click on the link
below to view it

Customer Liaison Team
Knowsley Council
Archway Road
L36 9UX


Visible links
1. https://knowsleytransaction.mendixcloud....
2. http://www.knowsley.gov.uk/

Dear Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council,
Thak you but none of my questions have been answered.

Yours faithfully,

James King

KMBC Complaints DCR, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

6 Attachments

Dear Mr King


Thank you for your reply to our response. We have handled this as an
internal review of your request.


Having reviewed your request and the response provided, it is clear this
was not in line with our statutory duties under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000. Please accept our apologies for this. However, we have provided
a revised and corrected response below to confirm what information is held
in relation to your request and what can be provided subject to FOI


I trust you will find this helpful.



Please could you let me know the answers to these questions in relation to
emergency accomodation for children who are looked after by the council.


1. Please provide the team structure of the Children & Families
Commissioning Team, including but not limited to the names of Head of
Childen's Commissioning and the Commissioning Manager for Looked After


To clarify, the specific information you have requested is not held as
there is no “Children & Families Commissioning Team”. The Council has a
Whole Life Commissioning Team with Commissioning Managers and Contract
Officers involved in workstreams across both adult and childrens services.


The structure of the Whole Life Commissioning Team is attached.


The commissioning managers within the Whole Life Commissioning Team which
have a particular focus on children’s commissioned services are listed


Interim Head of Whole Life Commissioning – Sally Wilson

Service Manager – Jill O’Neil

Commissioning Manager – Ross McCooey

Commissioning Contracts Officer/ART (Access to Resource Team) Manager –
Dawn Farrow


Please be aware that some staff names within the team structure are exempt
under Section 40(2) of the FOI Act where it is considered to be personal
data within the meaning of the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018. This is an
absolute exemption and there is no requirement to conduct a Public
Interest Test. Disclosure of such information would breach principle (a)
of Article 5(1) of the GDPR where personal data must be processed fairly
and lawfully. Additionally, the conditions as set out in Article 6(1) of
the GDPR are not met. We do not consider that it would be fair to disclose
such information and nor would the individuals have a reasonable
expectation that such personal information would be disclosed into the
public domain. Such information is therefore exempt under Section 40(2) of
the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act by virtue of Section 40(3)(a)(ii).


2. Please provide the team structure of the Placements Team ( Sometimes
called the Brokerage Team) including but not limited to the names of the
Placements Team Manager, Service Manager and Head of Service..


To clarify, the Council’s team that is involved with Placements is called
the Access to Resources Team (ART) and the team structure is included in
the whole life commissioning team structure document attached.


The structure of the Placements Team is as follows:


Interim Head of Whole Life Commissioning – Sally Wilson

Service Manager – Jill O’Neil

Commissioning Manager – Ross McCooey

Commissioning Contracts Officer/ART (Access to Resource Team) Manager –
Dawn Farrow

ART Placement Officer

ART Placement Officer


Please be aware that some staff names within the team structure are exempt
under Section 40(2) of the FOI Act where it is considered to be personal
data within the meaning of the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018. This is an
absolute exemption and there is no requirement to conduct a Public
Interest Test. Disclosure of such information would breach principle (a)
of Article 5(1) of the GDPR where personal data must be processed fairly
and lawfully. Additionally, the conditions as set out in Article 6(1) of
the GDPR are not met. We do not consider that it would be fair to disclose
such information and nor would the individuals have a reasonable
expectation that such personal information would be disclosed into the
public domain. Such information is therefore exempt under Section 40(2) of
the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act by virtue of Section 40(3)(a)(ii)


3. Please provide the name of the Looked After Children Team's Head of


The name of the Head of Service for Children Looked After and Regulated
Services is Carolyn Jones.


Thank you


Ross​​ McCooey (He/Him)
Commissioning Manager
Mobile: [1]07385084665
Knowsley , Huyton Municipal ‑ Seventh , Archway , Huyton , Knowsley , L36
Council Floor Road 9YU
[2][IMG] [3][IMG] [4][IMG] [5][IMG] [6][IMG]  




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Visible links
1. file:///tmp/tel:07385084665
2. http://www.knowsley.gov.uk/
3. http://www.knowsleynews.co.uk/
4. http://www.knowsleybettertogether.co.uk/
5. http://www.investknowsley.co.uk/
6. http://www.merseyside.police.uk/