Dear West, North and East Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Partnership,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information on the number of staff impacted by long Covid under your trust.

How many staff members were recorded to have had long Covid while working for your trust at any time in the period between March 2020 - September 2021?

What were the five longest periods in days that a member of staff took a leave of absence due to long Covid in the time period between March 2020 - September 2021?

Could you state all leave of absences taken where long Covid was cited as the cause between March 2020 and September 2021.

Does your trust offer any specialised support for staff members living with long Covid? If so could you please provide details of these services.

What plans, if any, are in place to improve the support available to staff members who are living with long Covid while working for your trust?

Yours faithfully,

Grace Pritchard

CumbriaCCG-FOI (01H) NHS North Cumbria CCG, West, North and East Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Partnership

1 Attachment

Dear Grace

Please see our response to your Freedom of Information request attached.

Kind regards

Freedom of Information Team
NHS North Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group

Our shared Values

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