Department for
Information Governance,
Caldicott & SIRO Support
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Grace Pritchard
2 Claremont Place
S10 2TB
Tel: 0114-2265151
7th November 2022
Email: xxx.xxx@xxx.xxx
Our ref: FOI RFI 010232
Your ref: email received 10th October 2022
Dear Grace
Freedom of Information Request
Further to your email dated and received by the Trust on 10th October 2022, our response to your
request is as follows (highlighted in blue):
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information on the number of
staff impacted by Long Covid working in your trust.
Could you state the number of staff members who were recorded to have had Long Covid while working for
your trust at any time in the period between October 2021 ‐ October 2022?
We are not able to provide information on the number of staff members recorded to have had long Covid
while working for STH as this is not available as a main absence reason on the two systems (Health Roster and
Electronic Staff Record) which are used to record all staff absence.
Could you state all leave of absences taken where Long Covid was cited as the cause between October 2021 ‐
October 2022 and the length of time each absence lasted for.
We do not record the information in the format requested.
Does your trust offer any specialised support for staff members living with Long Covid? If so could you please
provide details of these services?
Sheffield Post Covid Rehabilitation Programme
Flexible return to work options including opportunities for work from home, a phased return, alternative
duties or an alternative temporary post, for when medical advice supports that a return to work is
Confidential support and counselling service
A long covid staff support group
This completes the Trust response to your request, but please note:
Your rights
If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your request, you may ask for an internal review in
accordance with Section VI Complaints Procedures of the Section 45 Code of Practice of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000: and in accordance with Appendix E of the Trust’s Code of Practice for
Responding to Requests for Information (v 6.0 dated 29/07/19).
If you wish to complain you should contact:
Head of Information Governance/Data Protection Officer
Department for Information Governance, Caldicott & SIRO Support
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
2 Claremont Place
S10 2TB
Tel: 0114 226 5151
Email: xxx.xxx@xxx.xxx
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the
Information Commissioner for a decision.
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me. Please remember to quote the reference
number above in any future communications
Yours sincerely
Joanne Sturdy
Information Governance Officer