Local Plan - Council costs
Dear Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council,
Can you please give me the total amount of money, that Knowsley Council has spent on the administration of the local plan.
This would include any amount spent by the Council on anything to do with the Local Plan, such as reports, survey's, advertising, public hearings etc, and anything else.
Yours faithfully,
Paul Woods
Dear Mr Woods,
Thank you for your email received on 25 April 2016 requesting information about Local Plan.
I have recorded your request for information under reference F2016.04.2279.
This has been passed to the relevant service and you will receive a response by 24 May 2016.
In line with guidance published by the Information Commissioner’s Office, the council may make a charge for the provision of information – for example in order to cover the costs of postage (in line with the relevant postal charges) or charges for printing and copying (which will reflect photocopying charges levied by the council’s public libraries) or if this falls within the regulations of an EIR (Environmental Information).
You will be informed if a fee is to be applied before information is to be provided.
If you need further information please contact me.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information
Knowsley MBC
Archway Road
L36 9UX
Dear Freedom of Information,
FOI request F2016.04.2279 is overdue.
The information requested should have been supplied by 23rd May 2016
Yours sincerely,
Paul Woods
Dear Mr Woods,
Having considered what information we hold in relation to your request I am advising that some/or all of your request may be subject to an exemption.
S12 cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit
We are allowed additional time in which to consider these exemptions and you will receive a further response once a decision has been made. You will receive a response by 22 June 2016.
If you need further information please see the contact details below.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information
Knowsley MBC
Archway Road
L36 9UX
Dear Freedom of Information,
Under what section of the FOI Act are you using to allow an exemption?
As far as I am aware, you are only allowed an extension if you are going to charge a fee, in order to wait for that fee to be paid, before supplying the information.
There is no allowed exemption for "time in which to consider these exemptions", unless you can point me to it.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Woods
Dear Mr Woods,
Environmental Information Regulation request F2016-04-2279
A fee is required before we provide you with your request for information
about Local Plan – Council Costs as this is a request for environmental
The fee being charged is £680.00. The fee has been calculated by 20 hours
work X £34.00 per hour = £680.00.
Please send a cheque made payable to ‘Knowsley MBC’ to:
Customer Liaison Team,
Knowsley Council,
Archway Road
L36 9YU
If the fee is not received within 60 of the date of this letter the
request will be considered closed. The deadline date is therefore 26 July
I am required under the provisions of the Act to advise you of the
Council’s complaints procedure, details of which can be found on the
Council’s website at:
[2] say-complaints-policy-and-procedure-2015.pdf
Should you make a complaint under this procedure but remain dissatisfied,
I am also required to inform you that you can appeal against the decision
by contacting the Information Commissioner. The Commissioner’s postal
address is Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AF. The telephone
number for the Information Commissioner’s Office is 0303 123 1113 or 01625
545745. The e-mail address is: [3][email address].
If you need further information please see contact details below.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information
Knowsley MBC
Archway Road
L36 9UX
Dear Freedom of Information,
Please tell me under what law have you come to this decision on how much to charge?
As far as I am aware, The Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 states:
The appropriate limit
3.—(1) This regulation has effect to prescribe the appropriate limit referred to in section 9A(3) and (4) of the 1998 Act and the appropriate limit referred to in section 12(1) and (2) of the 2000 Act.
(2) In the case of a public authority which is listed in Part I of Schedule 1 to the 2000 Act, the appropriate limit is £600.
(3) In the case of any other public authority, the appropriate limit is £450.
Estimating the cost of complying with a request –
4 (4)
general(3) on behalf of the authority are expected to spend on those activities, those costs are to be estimated at a rate of £25 per person per hour.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Woods
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