Local Lettings policies

The request was successful.

Dear Department for Communities (Northern Ireland),

FAO: Housing Investment Team

Please provide details of any local lettings policies approved by the Department under Rule 84 of the current common housing selection scheme.

In particular please provide the following in respect of each policy
* the association operating the policy
* the nature of the development to which it applies (e.g. sheltered accommodation, general needs)
* the criteria which must be met by applicants to satisfy the policy
* the rationale for operating a local lettings policy in this development
* the date on which the policy was approved
* the date on which the policy will next be reviewed.

Yours faithfully,

E Farrell

DfC FOI, Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

COVID-19 Virus – Information for Requesters.


Thank you for contacting the Department for Communities FOI team,


While FOI law still applies during this time the Department is facing
unprecedented pressures – for example as a result of staff absences,
office closures, or a significant increase in demand for our services,
such as access to benefits. 


Therefore we may find it challenging to respond to information requests
within the 20 working day timescale set out in law.


We would ask requesters to think about the impact of Covid-19 when making
a request. Your information rights remain vitally important, and the FOI
principles of openness, transparency and accountability will play an
essential role in supporting public trust at this difficult time. 
However, if you're planning a request, it's worth thinking about whether
there is any way the request might be narrowed to reduce its impact and
speed up your response.


Following guidance from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), we
will keep requesters informed of any delays and will respond as soon as
resources allow.

We will also be keeping up to date on guidance from the ICO as the
situation changes to ensure that we comply with any changes or amendments
to information rights practice.


Helen Lindsay | Information Management Branch | Department for Communities

Level 5 | Nine Lanyon Place | BELFAST | BT1 3LP

Contact: * [1][email address] | ( Tel: (028) 9082
9117 | ( DD: 38117


Supporting people, Building communities, Shaping places. 




Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Reid, Norman, Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

2 Attachments

  • Attachment

    FOI Request Common Housing Selection Scheme Local Lettings Policies Acknowledgement.tr5.txt

    0K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    FOI Request Common Housing Selection Scheme Local Lettings Policies Acknowledgement.DOCX.docx

    123K Download View as HTML

Hello Mr Farrell

Please find attached the acknowledgement for your FOI request on Local
Lettings Policies.


Norman Reid

Social Housing Policy

Department for Communities

Causeway Exchange

Bedford Street


Reynolds, Geraldine, Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    FOI Request Common Housing Selection Scheme Local Lettings Policies....pdf

    798K Download View as HTML

FAO – E Farrell


Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request per
your email below.  If you need anything further please do not hesitate to
contact me.




Geraldine Reynolds|Social Housing Policy,  Department for Communities

Level 3 | Causeway Exchange | , 1-7 Bedford St | Belfast|  BT2 7EG

Contact: * [1][email address] |

( Tel: (028) 90823359| ( DD: 39359 ( [mobile number]


Supporting people, Building communities, Shaping places









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