Local government ombudsma

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to know,

a) how many findings of maladministration the local government ombudsman has made against your council over the last 10 years.

b) how many findings of maladministration your council, either in full or in part, has refused to accept.

c) how many findings of maladministration your council has accepted but refused to comply, either in full or in part, with the local government ombudsman's recommended remedy.

Yours faithfully,

A Johnson (Mrs)

Customer Services,

Thank you for your email, any action required will be taken as soon as

Please note that this email is an automated confirmation so do not reply
to it.

If you wish to contact us again please use
[Carlisle City Council request email]

Carlisle City Council
Customer Services

Tel: 01228 817200
Fax: 01228 817213

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Sarah Airey,

1 Attachment

Dear Mrs Johnson

Please find attached acknowledgment of your FOI Request.

Sarah Airey

Sarah Airey
Project Support Officer (Policy & Performance)
Carlisle City Council
01228 817053
[email address]

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Rachel Rooney,

Dear Mrs Johnson

In response to your Freedom of Information request, I can confirm that the
Local Government Ombudsman has made two counts of maladministration
against Carlisle City Council in the last ten years and the Council has,
on both occasions, complied fully with the remedy and has not refused to
accept any counts of maladministration.

Yours faithfully

Rachel Rooney
Trainee Committee Clerk
Legal & Democratic Services
Carlisle City Council
Civic Centre
Tel: 01228 817039
Fax: 01228 817048

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