Local authority funding for tutoring

Saleha Begum made this Freedom of Information request to Warwickshire County Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

Warwickshire County Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Warwickshire County Council,
Please provide in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (2000), the following data on tutoring in schools.
In line with normal Freedom of Information requests I am looking for existing data - if some data is not held in an accessible form, then I would be grateful if you would provide what is convenient.
1. Does your local authority provide funding for young people’s tutoring? (please indicate all options that apply)

Option a) Yes, we operate our own virtual school that also provides tutoring.
• If yes, what was the total funding for your virtual school for FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23?
• How much did the virtual school spend on tutoring for FY2021-22 and FY2022-23?
• What was the total number of young people enrolled into/served by the virtual school for FY2021-22 and FY2022-23?
• What is the budget for FY2023-24.

Option b) Yes, we fund enrolment into one or more external virtual schools, where pupils from our local authority have been moved to a virtual school associated with another local authority, and these school(s) also provide tutoring.
• If yes, which virtual school(s) for FY2022-23?
• What was the total funding provided for FY2021-22 and FY2022-23?
• What was the total number of young people enrolled into/served by the virtual school?
• What is the budget for FY2023-24?

Option c) Yes, we provide additional funding for mainstream schools that is targeted to tutoring or individual catch-up.
• What was the total funding provided for FY2021-2022 and FY2022-23?
• What is the budget for FY2023-24?

Option d) Yes, we pay one or more tutoring providers directly.
• If yes, what was the total funding provided for FY2021-22 and FY2022-23?
• What was the total number of young people supported for FY2021-2022 and FY2022-23?
• What is the budget for FY2023-24?
• How do you procure support from tutoring providers? Please indicate all options that apply.
o We use our own framework/tender.
o We use another public framework. (please name the framework)
o We procure without a framework/tender.
o Other (please explain…)
• Which tutoring providers were used in FY2022-23?

Option e) Yes, we provide funding to parents for them to buy tutoring or other learning support.
• What was the total funding provided for FY2021-22 and FY2022-23?
• How many young people did this relate to in FY2021-22 and FY2022-23
• What is the budget for FY2023-24?
• Do the parents/learners have to use the funding on tutoring providers?

Option f) Yes, we provide funding for tutoring but in a different FY.
• If yes, please specify how?
• What was the total funding provided in FY2021-22 and FY2022-23?

Option h) No, we do not provide funding for tutoring.

2. What is the total amount spent buy the local authority on tutoring (excluding normal spend from schools / the Delegated Schools Grant) for the years FY2021-22 and FY2022-23?
• How many young people did this relate to in FY2021-22 and FY2022-23?

3. Where you provide tutoring directly to young people (Options d or e in Question 1), which categories of young people are eligible to receive this support?
• Young people enrolled in Virtual Schools
• Looked-after children.
• Children excluded from mainstream education.
• Elective home educated children.
• Learners eligible for pupil premium
• Children in alternative provision settings
• Children with English as an additional language (EAL)
• Asylum seekers
• Youth offenders after release
• Young people aged 16-25 years.
• Whoever applies for support?
• Young people identified by their school as needing catch up support.
• Other (please state)

Many Thanks,
Saleha Begum

Info Rights, Warwickshire County Council

Thankyou for your email to the Information Rights Team at Warwickshire
County Council. 
If we need further information to deal with a request you are making, we
will contact you.
Kind regards 
Information Rights Team
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Warwickshire County Council

Information request
Our reference: 9825524


Dear Ms Begum
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 16 January
2024. We are dealing with your request under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000
Under our normal statutory requirements we are required to provide you
with a response within 20 working days of the receipt of your request.
Therefore we aim to send a response by 13 February 2024. 

In some case, a fee may be payable. If we decide a fee is payable, we will
send you a fee notice and we will require you to pay the fee before
proceeding with your request.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 may restrict the release of some or
all of the information you have requested. We will carry out an assessment
and if any exemptions apply to some or all of the information then we
might not provide that information to you. We will inform you if this is
the case and advise you of your right to request an internal review and to
complain to the Information Commissioner's Office.
We will also advise you if we cannot provide you with the information
requested for any other reason together with the reason(s) why and details
of how you may appeal (if appropriate).

 Kind regards

Jonathan Sheward
Information Rights Officer

Information Governance Team
Strategy Planning and Governance
Resources Directorate
Warwickshire County Council
Shire Hall
CV34 4RL
Tel: 01926 413716




NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.

Warwickshire County Council

Information request
Our reference: 9825524


Dear Ms Begum,
Freedom of Information Act 2000
I am writing to ask you to clarify your request concerning tutoring in
schools, received on 16 January 2024.
This is because we are not certain that we have understood your request
correctly and need further details from you in order to identify and
locate the correct information. Therefore I should be grateful if you
would please advise what you are meaning buy "tutoring" and "virtual
Are you referring to Flexible Learning or similar, or mean an online
school/service from the Local Authority? Or is your request in respect of
Children in Care, who are the remit of the Department for Education named
'Virtual School'?
I will not be able to take this matter further without this extra
information from you. Please let me know by 12/04/2024.
If I do not hear from you within the timeframe provided, I shall take it
that you do not wish to pursue this request and will consider the request
If you need assistance, please contact me on 01926 413716 or
[email address].

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Sheward
Information Rights Officer
Information Governance Team
Strategy Planning and Governance
Resources Directorate
Warwickshire County Council
Shire Hall
CV34 4RL
Tel: 01926 413716
Email: [1][email address]
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Warwickshire County Council,

To your request for the definition of 'virtual school', I would like to clarify that when referring to a 'virtual school' I am referring to the statutory virtual school for children in care linked to the local authority. Also, when referring to 'external virtual school/s' I am referring to the statutory virtual school/s associated with another local authority.

To your request for the definition of 'tutoring'. I would like to clarify that this refers to tutors teaching children in small groups or on a one to one basis, within or outside of school hours. This includes all forms of delivery including; face to face, online or a mix of both (face to face and online). This does not include flexible teaching.

I hope this clarifies your query, please do not hesitate to contact me if further clarification is needed.

Yours sincerely,
Saleha Begum

Warwickshire County Council

1 Attachment

Information request
Our reference: 9825524


Dear Ms Begum,
Thank you for your request for information received on 16 January 2024.
Please find attached our response to your request.

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Sheward
Information Rights Officer
Information Governance Team
Strategy Planning and Governance
Resources Directorate
Warwickshire County Council
Shire Hall
CV34 4RL
Tel: 01926 413716
Email: [1][email address]
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]