Local Authority Electricity Generation Assets
Dear Shetland Islands Council,
In order to assist my research into Local Authorities who generate and export electricity from their own energy assets I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions. I am particularly looking at grid connected assets for example solar farms, wind turbines and waste to energy plants, rather than rooftop solar installations which mostly supply electricity to the building they occupy. I’d be grateful if you could answer the following questions: -
1) Do you own or operate electricity generation assets which export to the grid?
2) If so, what technologies? And are they ‘co-located’? E.g., a solar farm with a battery.
3) How much electricity (in kWh) would you expect to be exported, per asset, per year?
4) When were the assets commissioned?
5) What is the current contractual arrangement to sell the power, to whom is it sold and what is the contract end date?
6) Does your local authority have any plans in place to acquire, build or invest in electricity generation assets in the future?
Many thanks,
Rebecca Brown
Ms Brown
We acknowledge receipt of your request for information.
This is receiving attention, and we will provide you with a response as soon as possible.
Regards, Louise
Louise Adamson
Committee Officer
Shetland Islands Council
Dear Ms Brown
Thank you for your Freedom of Information enquiry. I can confirm that the response from Shetland Islands Council is detailed below:
1) Do you own or operate electricity generation assets which export to the grid?
No, small-scale individual wind turbines/solar panels only. The Council operates a Waste to Energy plant but this exports heat (hot water) not electricity.
2) If so, what technologies? And are they ‘co-located’? E.g., a solar farm with a battery.
3) How much electricity (in kWh) would you expect to be exported, per asset, per year?
4) When were the assets commissioned?
5) What is the current contractual arrangement to sell the power, to whom is it sold and what is the contract end date?
6) Does your local authority have any plans in place to acquire, build or invest in electricity generation assets in the future?
Not at this time.
I trust that this response meets your request. However, if you are dissatisfied with the way in which the Council has dealt with your request for information then you may ask the authority to review its actions and decisions in relation to your request, by submitting a formal appeal.
Kind regards
Jackie Irvine
PA for Director of Infrastructure Services
Gremista Depot
Tel: 01595 744723
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