LOBO loans
Dear Suffolk Coastal Port Health Authority,
For each of the Lender Option, Borrower Option (LOBO) loans to which Council is currently party, and for any historical LOBO loans, please provide:
1) Loan principal
2) Maturity date
3) Trade date when the loan was signed
4) Initial interest rate
5) Current stepped-up interest rate and step-up date, where applicable
6) Any formula or structure determining the interest rate, where applicable
7) The first LOBO option call date
8) The LOBO option call frequency
9) Day count convention used for calculation of interest payments
10) The relevant bank or financial institution(s) which issued the loan
11) The dates on which the lender exercised their option and the proposed interest rate, where applicable
12) The Treasury Management Advisers employed by Council at the time the loan was agreed
13) The broker who arranged the loan (and the brokers involved in any subsequent restructure of the loan)
14) The brokerage fee paid by Council for arranging the loan (and for any subsequent restructure of the loan)
15) Where available, the original unredacted LOBO loan contracts.
I would very much appreciate it if the answers to parts 1) to 14) were provided in the form of an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file.
The Council has previously refused to disclose some of the above information in response to FOIA requests (see https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/d...), invoking exemptions under S41 and S43(2) of FOIA. Please note that since then several complaints against the use of both S41 and S43(2) to exempt from disclosure the details of LOBO loan borrowing by local authorities, as well as the contracts themselves, have been upheld by the Information Commissioner's Office.
See, for example:
ICO Decision Notice, Swansea https://ico.org.uk/media/action-weve-tak...
ICO Decision Notice, Cornwall https://ico.org.uk/media/action-weve-tak...
ICO Decision Notice, Kingston Upon Thames https://ico.org.uk/media/action-weve-tak...
In particular I would like to draw Council's attention to the following excerpt from the ICO Decision Notice relating to Cornwall Council's use of S43(2):
"Balance of the public interest
31. The Commissioner has given due weighting to the commercial interests which the exemption is designed to protect. He acknowledges that, particularly at a time where there is significant public spending constraints, authorities should be able to engage in activities which promote the best use of limited monies without this being prejudiced by disclosure.
32. However, by the same token, the Commissioner is mindful that the agreements in question relate to long term loans (40 years plus) for sums which exceed hundreds of million pounds and which bind the council to make substantial repayments. It is not the Commissioner’s role to determine whether the council has acted appropriately in its pursuance of LOBO loans but the need for the public to be reassured by being able
to scrutinize relevant information, particularly when such large sums are involved, is a strong public interest factor.
33. In relation to the proposed likely damage to the council’s commercial interests, the Commissioner considers that, whilst this is a genuine
concern and carries some weight, it is too vaguely formulated in the face of the more concrete public interest in holding decision-making about vast public expenditure to account. He also considers that disclosure of the information when set against the difficulties envisaged by the council, would be more likely to improve competition amongst lenders and assist public authorities in securing more favourable borrowing rates.
34. In relation to the potential damage to the commercial interests of the lenders, the Commissioner is mindful that, beyond the somewhat generic arguments provided in support of the engagement of the exemption, no specific public interest arguments have been submitted.
35. In terms of the relationship with the council, the Commissioner considers it very unlikely that lenders would wish to deny themselves access to potentially lucrative public sector lending agreements or, in the specific case of the council, would want to withdraw from a long term agreement.
36. In relation to the benefits of disclosure to the lenders’ competitors and the resulting damage to the lenders’ ability to negotiate favourable rates, the Commissioner has not been provided with public interest arguments which specifically identify the severity of or extent of such prejudice. The Commissioner notes the complainant’s argument that negotiations and agreements would be predicated on existing market conditions and the specific state of the council’s accounts and requirements. The Commissioner is not persuaded that there is a significant public interest in maintaining the exemption to avert the disclosure of information which is unlikely to have significant or well defined ill-effects.
37. In light of the above and, having weighed the relevant factors, the Commissioner considers that the public interest balance in this case is weighted towards disclosing the withheld information."
Yours faithfully,
Joan Grant
Dear Suffolk Coastal Port Health Authority,
I would be grateful if you could let me know if the Council does have any LOBO loans.
Yours faithfully,
Joan Grant
Dear Joan Grant,
Thank you for your request received on 17 May 2016 asking for information
about LOBO loans. This request has been allocated a reference number of
Where applicable, your request will be dealt with under the terms of the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) and/or Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (FOI) and will usually be answered within 20 working
In the case of EIR, if your request is particularly complex or requires
the retrieval of a large amount of information, we may extend this to 40
working days. If this is the case, we will notify you as soon as we are
aware that this is the case.
While no charges are made for the submission of requests, the council is
entitled to apply reasonable costs for disbursements (i.e. photocopying,
postage etc). Where charges will apply proper notice will be given to you
prior to the information being released. For more information on charges
please use the following link to our website:
SCDC: http://www.suffolkcoastal.gov.uk/yourcou...
If you have any queries about this request please contact us at the email
address below. Please quote the above reference number in any future
*Please note that for request received on non-working days the 20 working
days will be calculated from the start of the next business day.
Yours sincerely,
FOI Team
Customer Services
Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils
Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils are working in partnership
and all emails received from us will use the @eastsuffolk.gov.uk email
Reference: IMT114374
Dear Joan Grant
In response to your recently submitted FOI/EIR request regarding LOBO
loans, please find our reply below:
The Council is not currently party, and has not been party to any LOBO
Should you have any further queries or questions, or if you are not happy
with the way your request has been handled, please contact us on [1]this
link. If you have any problems using the online form, please contact us
at the email address below.
PLEASE NOTE: Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils share an FOI
team. You can make a new FOI or EIR request for either authority (or
both) using the online form.
Please note that the FOI webpages for [2]Suffolk Coastal District
Council and [3]Waveney District Council contain links to information
which is already published by the Councils including a disclosure log of
previous requests.
Alternatively, you can contact us via our email address
[4][email address]. Please specify in your email whether your
request concerns Suffolk Coastal, Waveney or both authorities.
If you have any queries about this request please contact us at the email
address below. Please quote the above reference number in any future
communications regarding this request.
Kind regards,
FOI Team
Customer Services
Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils
[email address]
Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils are working in partnership
and all emails received from us will use the @eastsuffolk.gov.uk email
www.suffolkcoastal.gov.uk www.twitter.com/suffolkcoastal
www.waveney.gov.uk www.twitter.com/waveneydc
Visible links
1. http://www.waveney.firmstep.com/default....
2. http://www.suffolkcoastal.gov.uk/yourcou...
3. http://www.waveney.gov.uk/site/scripts/d...
4. mailto:[email address]
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