Lobbying for climate action & funding

The request was successful.

Climate Emergency UK

Dear Cheltenham Borough Council,

Please treat this as a Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request.

I would like information about your council’s lobbying work in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards.

In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following question:

Has the council written to or met with UK national or devolved governments to ask or lobby for climate action since 1st January 2019? Please provide some evidence of the most recent letter or meeting such as a copy of the letter or email sent, or the date, topic of meeting and position of the person that the meeting was held with.

This includes either asking for more powers and funding for local authorities to take climate action, or asking for the government to take further action themselves. This includes working with other local authorities to send joint letters or meetings to lobby UK or devolved governments, and includes both general climate action and calls for action on specific issues such as transport where climate change is mentioned as a motivating factor for taking action.

This includes if a cabinet member or other councillor has written to or met with the UK or devolved governments on behalf of the council.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Hannah Jewell, Climate Emergency UK

Customer Relations (CBC), Cheltenham Borough Council

Dear Ms Jewell,

Thank you for your enquiry received today. Your request for information has been logged as FOI 9042 and you will receive a response within 20 working days.

Kind regards,

Beth Cordingley (Mrs)
Customer Relations and Information Officer
Cheltenham Borough Council
Tel: 01242 264350
Email: [Cheltenham Borough Council request email]
Website: http://www.cheltenham.gov.uk

Working together to create a great future for Cheltenham

Follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/cheltenhambc

My working days are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Please use the Customer Relations email address for all FOI and Customer Feedback.

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Customer Relations (CBC), Cheltenham Borough Council

Dear Ms Jewell,

The information the council holds in relation to your request for information is below:

I would like information about your council’s lobbying work in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards.

The Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency wrote to Central Government to thank them for various funding streams made available, for example the Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund. Within this correspondence it was highlighted that Local Authorities are still in need of more funds and increased devolved authority. It was proposed by the Cabinet Member that national resources are allocated and ring-fenced for climate action and the need for competitive bidding, which ties up limited local climate staffing resources, should be reduced.

Please note: If you are dissatisfied with the Council’s response you have a right of appeal. In the first instance please forward your appeal to Customer Relations, Cheltenham Borough Council, Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 9SA or email: [Cheltenham Borough Council request email]. Your appeal will be considered and a response sent to you within 20 working days.

If you are still not happy with any decision following any review you have a further right of appeal to the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Kind regards,

Beth Cordingley (Mrs)
Customer Relations and Information Officer
Cheltenham Borough Council
Tel: 01242 264350
Email: [Cheltenham Borough Council request email]
Website: http://www.cheltenham.gov.uk

Working together to create a great future for Cheltenham

Follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/cheltenhambc

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